Author Archives: Shane

podcast converting historical & mythological figures to d&d shane plays podcast title 4-13-2019

Converting Historical & Mythological Figures to D&D! – Episode 182 – Shane Plays Geek Talk

podcast converting historical & mythological figures to d&d shane plays podcast title 4-13-2019Podcast version of the Shane Plays Geek Talk radio show from 4/13/2019:
Converting Historical & Mythological Figures to D&D!

Highlights: RPG designer Mike Myler returns to talk about converting historical and mythological characters to D&D! He runs down Genghis Khan, then we take a look at Merlin for a spell. Plus D&D / RPG news, Shane and Zach speculate on Avengers: Endgame plot twists and all the usual nonsense and tomfoolery!

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1 PM Central on 101.1 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at  and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, SoundCloud & Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

Direct MP3 Download:

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Podcast Zinger is from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure

Mike’s Genghis Khan D&D 5E Conversion:

Mike’s Merlin D&D 5E Conversion:

EN World Mythological Figures:

EN World EN5ider:

D&D Ability Score Calculator:

Kickstarter update – Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina Animated Special:

The #DnDSelfie: Why ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ players are posting selfies in spite of ‘SNL’ | Mashable

Chinese censors incinerate entire run of a kickstarted Call of Cthulhu RPG sourcebook | BoingBoing

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
Pre-order on Amazon now, releases May 12

Heroes and Angels ComicCon 2019
Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM
Sherwood Forest
Admission is just $3!
Heroes and Angels provides non-medical assistance to families affected by childhood cancer, and to military families in need. Also provides funding to organizations that research the causes and cures of childhood cancer.
Heroes and Angels ComicCon is their biggest fundraiser of the year!
Come on out, Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM at Sherwood Forest
Admission is just $3!

Arkansas RPG Con registrations are now open!
Head on over to ARPGCON.COM for Arkansas RPG Con 2019 on Nov 9th and 10th. This two day event’s early bird badge is only $20 the same as last year’s one day event badge. Get them before the price raises to $30 on July 1st. 

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Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

Hey, YOU! Yeah, YOU! 😀😀 You can buy cool stuff and support Shane Plays Geek Talk with these affiliate links!

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Humble Bundle

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KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

D&D Tomb of Annihilation notes title image

D&D Tomb of Annihilation Notes #1 – Introduction

This episode: A worldwide death curse has struck and it seems like the dangerous and mysterious continent of Chult holds the answers to stopping it. Jungles! Dinosaurs! Undead! Undead dinosaurs! Buckle up for a crazy thrill ride that has a connection to Tomb of Horrors, one of the most famous and dangeous early D&D adventures. This video covers the introductory notes, adventure hook(s), optional meatgrinder mode, and more. Shane runs his first session zero. Discussion: Do players absolutely have to know what adventure they will be playing before rolling up characters?

Shane has a book coming out with Matt Barton of Matt Chat!
Pre-order now on Amazon, releases May 12!
Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition

All Freely Available Tomb of Annihilation Maps:

Out of the Abyss NPC list by chapter (created by Zac Arbuckle):

This is an ongoing series of Shane’s notes, thoughts and tips for running the D&D adventure Tomb of Annihilation plus D&D rules clarifications and DM / GM tips in general

Each video follows recent a recent session (or sessions) with his group.

indiecron and comicsgate with edwin boyette shane plays podcast title 4-6-2019

IndieCron & ComicsGate with Edwin Boyette! – Episode 181 – Shane Plays Geek Talk

indiecron and comicsgate with edwin boyette shane plays podcast title 4-6-2019Podcast version of the Shane Plays Geek Talk radio show from 4/6/2019:
IndieCron & ComicsGate with Edwin Boyette!

Highlights: Can ComicsGate have a positive side? Rising comics personality Edwin Boyette certainly thinks so! Shane and Edwin talk about comic book crowdfunding hub IndieCron, ComicsGate itself, why Edwin cares and what other cool stuff he has in the works, the safest way to respond to a swatting, being ruthlessly positive and A WHOLE LOT more including what the heck is a Geek Containment Unit??? Plus: Shane and Zach give their thoughts on Captain Marvel AKA The Goose Movie.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1 PM Central on 101.1 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at  and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, SoundCloud & Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

Direct MP3 Download:

Listen Here via Embed:



Edwin on Twitter:

Edwin’s YouTube Channel:

Heroes and Angels ComicCon 2019
Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM
Sherwood Forest
Admission is just $3!
Heroes and Angels provides non-medical assistance to families affected by childhood cancer, and to military families in need. Also provides funding to organizations that research the causes and cures of childhood cancer.
Heroes and Angels ComicCon is their biggest fundraiser of the year!
Come on out, Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM at Sherwood Forest
Admission is just $3!

Arkansas RPG Con registrations are now open!
Head on over to ARPGCON.COM for Arkansas RPG Con 2019 on Nov 9th and 10th. This two day event’s early bird badge is only $20 the same as last year’s one day event badge. Get them before the price raises to $30 on July 1st. 

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

Hey, YOU! Yeah, YOU! 😀😀 You can buy cool stuff and support Shane Plays Geek Talk with these affiliate links!

Humble Bundle Affiliate Partner Logo
Humble Bundle

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KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

geek podcast shane plays podcast title 3-23-2019

Random Shane Generator! – Episode 180 – Shane Plays Geek Talk

geek podcast shane plays podcast title 3-23-2019Podcast version of the Shane Plays Geek Talk radio show from 3/23/2019:
Random Shane Generator!

Highlights: Shane gets random! Sabaton, the Swedish metal band acting as modern day bards! Hipster D&D! Google+ shutting down! Neon Buttstain RPG! Ray Bradbury in a prunes commercial! The (in)famous Orson Welles “Frozen Peas” outtakes! Lice, pink eye and the flu! Call of Cthulhu skit “Now That’s What I call A Sanity Check!” Star Wars Return of the Jedi reactions from 1983! More!

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1 PM Central on 101.1 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at  and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, SoundCloud & Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

Direct MP3 Download:

Listen Here via Embed:


Songs used in this episode:

SABATON – The Last Stand (Official Lyric Video)

SABATON – Uprising (Official Music Video)

SABATON – Winged Hussars (Official Lyric Video)

Land of the Lost Opening Credits and Theme Song

Topic notes:

Shane talks about the importance of feedback and encouragement (or even discouragement) to a creator.

Sabaton YouTube Channel

Sabaton History YouTube Channel
“The real history behind one Sabaton song every week”

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes #83 – THE FINALE! – The City of Spiders / Against the Demon Lords – SHANE PLAYS
D&D Out of the Abyss Notes Playlist

D&D / RPG Skit: Now That’s What I Call A Sanity Check
From Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk – #35 Sci-Fi Games with Ed Jowett

Shane Ponders: Lice, Pink Eye & The Flu

Ray Bradbury Sunsweet Prunes Commercial
“Brave New Prune” 1969

Orson Welles – Frozen Peas
Frozen Peas Wikipedia entry:

Reactions to seeing “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi” | Austin, TX 1983
KTBC FOX 7 Austin

Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk Discord Channel:

Frequently asked questions about the Google+ shutdown

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

Hey, YOU! Yeah, YOU! 😀😀 You can buy cool stuff and support Shane Plays Geek Talk with these affiliate links!

Humble Bundle Affiliate Partner Logo
Humble Bundle

drivethrurpg affiliate small logo in

KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

d&d the falling star sailing ship post featured image

D&D Falling Star Ship Photos

D&D’s The Falling Star ship mini (officially known as D&D Icons of The Realms: The Falling Star Sailing Ship), is truly a table top RPG wonder to behold. I’m not usually one for props at the gaming table beyond maps and figure minis, but when one of my players bought this from our FLGS I was intrigued by the size of the box and went and took a closer look at the store’s display model. 

Check out the photos below for an idea of the The Falling Star’s size, quality and detail!

The perfect companion to D&D’s upoming Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure (gee, it’s almost like they planned it!), here are The Falling Star’s specs from Amazon (which they currently list at $250 or $222 for Prime members):

  • 17.2″ tall, 33″ long, and 6.4″ wide (12.6″ wide at the masts!)
  • Multiple stackable deck tiles allowing players to fight on the deck or in the dark underbelly of the ship
  • Functional hatches on the sides of the ships for you to fire upon your enemies
  • Kraken and Islands! Premium Figure and other figure minis are not included

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature next to person

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature prow

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature midsection with open cannon port

Notice the open cannon port

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature aft

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature removable steering wheel

Arr, ya sorry excuse for a sea dog! When I said grab the wheel, that’s not what I meant!

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature box size next to person

This is Blake, one of my players. Blake is a happy guy. He has told me in the past that the men in his family never smile in photos. Based on photos of both him and his brother I have seen over time, I can vouch for the truth of this statement 🙂

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature cloth sail

The sail is actual cloth, very nice touch

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature deck floor insert overlay

The Falling Star comes with deck overlays to represent different decks of the ship, another nice touch

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature deck floor insert overlay 2

d&d dnd falling star ship mini miniature ship with deck floor overlay inserts plastic bag

That’s the end of the tour, ya scurvy sorry excuse for a landlubber! Now off me ship!!!

sanity is overrated cthulhu meme

D&D / RPG Skit: Now That’s What I Call A Sanity Check

sanity is overrated cthulhu meme

Russ “Morrus” Morrissey and Peter Coffey ask for user submitted skits (or “sketches”) on the Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk podcast and in fact will perform them. 

I submitted the following piece, which they in turn performed on Episode #35 – Sci-Fi Games with Ed Jowett. (This is in fact the second time they’ve accepted one of my skits, the first was Not Your Garden Variety Giant Spider)

Enjoy the insanity 🙂 

Now That’s What I Call A Sanity Check

Cthulhu RPG Veteran #1: OK rookie, let me see what you have on your character sheet so far.

[momentary pause … ]

CRV #1: Oh for the love of… you’ve got everything in Strength and Dex!

Cthulhu RPG Veteran #2: A classic mistake, youngster.

CRV #1: One easily avoided, however. Not the end of the world, just keep in mind Worlds of Lovecraft is more of an investigative game with lots of atmosphere than your garden variety hack-and-slash dungeon crawler. That’ll keep you sane in character creation. Heh heh.

CRV #2: Yeah, just look at this sheet (dismayed sigh). Listen, you’re not going to be hacking and slashing through unending SHOGGOTHS with a big manly two-handed sword at this table. The occasional insane cultist guarding a gibbering, whispering horror from beyond mortal ken, maybe, but they’re not really the main threat.

CRV #1: Have a revolver or better yet a tommy-gun handy for those insane cultists. (musing) Revolver if you need to reuse the robes for a bit of sneaking.

CRV #2: Right, I do love a bit of sneaking into the main sacrificial ritual right before the climax! Ah, don’t look at me like that, rookie. This isn’t that game of Dragonhawk Chronicles you’ve been playing with your schoolmates. You knew that, right? No epic war of good versus evil and fancy-schmancy tormented emo mages and their iron-thewed brothers here.

CRV #1: I mean, just look how low this Power attribute score is. Shameful.

[momentary pause … ]

CRV #1: By Derleth’s inkpot, what do you MEAN why is the Power attribute important if it’s not hack-and-slash???

CRV #2: The rookie’s just confused, that’s all. Look, in Worlds of Lovecraft, see, Power isn’t like brute strength or fuel for magical missiles, it’s your inner resolve and charisma and whatnot.

CRV #1: Your mental resilience and spirit. That’s not why it’s important, though. Here’s why it’s REALLY important! The higher your Power, the more SANITY POINTS, rookie!

[momentary pause … ]

BOTH [Stunned & Flummoxed]: What do you mean “what are sanity points”???

CRV #2: Look, Pete, just sit back and breathe for a moment, you know how you get. Not his fault, we were all young once.

CRV #2: In this game the point isn’t to win, you see, but to survive for as long as possible against the inevitable doom of unspeakable elder horrors and unseeable colors from space that everyone can see…

Pete [aka CRV #1]: (Usually look like purple, actually.)

CRV #2: …and tentacled slimy fish people that will suck out your soul (if you’re lucky).

CRV #2: You’ll either die a gruesome, mind-numbingly horrible death just about the time you’re really getting a handle on your character, or, more likely, go absolute batscat whackjob starkers nuts from all those dread sights and horror that are infinitely beyond a sane mind. Just a matter of when the big straightjacket from underneath reality comes for you, really.

[momentary pause … ]

CRV #2: What’s that? Is great, immersive storytelling the point, then? Solving the unfolding terrible mystery in time to prevent the final horror? NO! No, look…

Pete: It’s to go out as spectacularly as possible, rookie.

CRV #2: Oh, by Howard Phillips, the man is right! Having your hair turned instantly white by the susurrations of an elder, sentient white dwarf star breathing directly in your mind would be the bottom of the scale, mate. That’s kid stuff.

Pete (wistfully): Why, I remember one time I lost all my sanity and drove that stolen lorry full of clanking bottles of degrading nitroglycerin down a busy high street, cackling like a loon and aiming for kittens. Except I don’t know why there were so many kittens. Maybe they were something else. Never found out. The crater, you know.

CRV #2: It was a nice crater as craters go, but P’SHAW! You call that failing your sanity check? I remember the time I thought I was great Cthulhu himself and exulted in menacing a fear-struck crowd of helpless victims with my uncountable tentacles. Oh, Cthulhu had been called that night, mate! Turns out the crowd was insane cultists, and the tentacles were all those ropes with nooses I was wearing, them being tied to leering, moldy stone gargoyles in that ancient castle and all. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall that night if you’ll remember, Pete! Except the fall was abruptly halted in the “neck” of time , ha ha!

Pete: Nice one, Bill, but fairly amateur, sorry to say. You remember that time I became one with all space/time and gained ultimate unutterable knowledge, but was in fact going completely, indescribably cosmically starkers while in the loo reading the Necronomicon?

Bill aka [CRV #2]: “Amateur”, indeed. That certainly qualifies, and barely at that! Why, do you remember the time we were on top of a skyscraper in 30’s New York City, when Spooky Simon wanted to run us through some more “Yank stuff” like he calls it? I took one look at AZATHOTH rampaging through Times Square, simultaneously pulled the pin on my grenade and popped it into my mouth like a tasty metal pineapple before executing a perfect swan dive off of the roof with a big stupid grin on my face, exploding spectacularly in a blossoming flower of fire and gore exactly half way to the busy street below.

Pete: Ha ha! Great times! Bet those pedestrians were wishing they had their umbrellas that night! You see, rookie…

Bill: Wait, where’s he going? He took his bag and everything. And he had the snacks!

Pete (you can hear the dismissive shrug in his voice): Ah, who knows? Kids these days. Listen, do you remember that time at the Mountains of Madness when…

cthulhu poster polish satire 2010 presidental election

Polish satirical poster from the 2010 presidential election. “Choose the greater evil. Vote for Cthulhu”
Większe Zło, photographed by Jakub Hałun [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

young tarzan and the mysterious she edgar rice burroughs shane plays geek talk podcast title 3-2-2019

Young Tarzan and the Mysterious She! – Episode 179 – Shane Plays Geek Talk

young tarzan and the mysterious she edgar rice burroughs shane plays geek talk podcast title 3-2-2019Podcast version of the Shane Plays Geek Talk radio show from 3/2/2019:
Young Tarzan and the Mysterious She!

Highlights: It’s history in the making for both the Tarzan canon and adventure fiction itself as “Young Tarzan and the Mysterious She” premieres in Cirsova magazine, a collaboration by author and Edgar Rice Burroughs historian Michael Tierney to finish a story began by Burroughs himself (with the blessing of ERB, Inc.)! How did such a swingin’ cool thing happen and what were Michael’s thoughts in approaching such an important project? More importantly, how many times does Shane play the Tarzan yell during the show? Michael, Cirsova’s P. Alexander and Critical Blast’s R.J. Carter all join.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1 PM Central on 101.1 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at  and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, SoundCloud & Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

Direct MP3 Download:

Listen Here via Embed:


Podcast Zinger is from “The first ever Tarzan Yell” (Elmo Lincoln, first actor to portray Tarzan in 1918)

Tarzan Call / Yell used in intro and during show is the famous version by actor Johnny Weismuller

“Me Tarzan You Jane” chorus is from the song by The Fuzztones

Vastly Important Prepared Statement from Shane Plays:
Samoa is best Girl Scout cookie. I won’t even fight you because it is ironclad beyond dispute and anyone who thinks otherwise obviously deserves my pity and comfort
#girlscoutcookies #provenfacts

The Traitor William Brackeen’s Girl Scout Cookies Poll on Facebook:

william brackeen girl scout cookie facebook poll results

That’s not exactly a thin margin!

Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense: Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer 2019)
Premiere of Young Tarzan & The Mysterious She, a collaboration by Michael Tierney and Edgar Rice Burroughs (posthumously)

Beyond the Farthest Star: new Edgar Rice Burroughs web comic with Michael Tierney & John Lucas coming soon

Gods & Services anthology edited by R.J. Carter
Includes story by Michael Tierney

R J.’s Critical Blast relocation IndieGoGo

Comic Book Heroes Spider-Man and Black Panther Win Big At Oscars 2019 | Geek Culture

Morrus / EN World Job Opportunity
Closes March 8
Publishing Administrator

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Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

section zero 1959 comic books

(There Is No) Section Zero 1959! – Episode 178 – Shane Plays Geek Talk

section zero 1959 comic booksPodcast version of the Shane Plays Geek Talk radio show from 2/23/2019:
(There Is No) Section Zero 1959!

Highlights: Shane and Bill may or may not discuss Karl Kesel’s bonkers fun Section Zero 1959 comic book Kickstarter (which doesn’t exist)! They almost talk about Mexican Spider-man! It’s the 10th anniversary of Matt Barton’s Matt Chat and Matt makes a special guest appearance. The Marvel / Netflix / Hulu thing. Plus geek news and all the usual tomfoolery and nonsense! SPECIAL HUGS to Karl Kesel, who was scheduled to join but got laid low by pneumonia (or at least that’s the cover story the MiBs gave us while mashing a cigarette out in a very meaningful way).

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1 PM Central on 101.1 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at  and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, SoundCloud & Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

Direct MP3 Download:

Listen Here via Embed:


Podcast Zinger is from Shane Plays ATOM RPG Early Access #3 – Otradnoye

Matt Barton’s Matt Chat: 10 Year Anniversary

Listen as Matt Kills A Giant Rat in Ultima I

Section Zero 1959 Kickstarter

Original Section Zero Kickstarter

Hulu Could Revive The Cancelled Marvel-Netflix TV Shows, Eventually |

Season 3 Will Be the Last for FX Series ‘Legion’ | Bleeding Cool

DC Announces ‘DCeased’ |

SPIDER-MAN’s Greatest Mystery: How AMAZING FANTASY #15’s Original Art Ended Up in the Library of Congress | Newsarama

Did Mexican Comics Marry Off Gwen and Spide-Man Rather Than Kill Her? |

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

galactic scoundrels shane plays podcast title 2-16-2019

Galaxy of Scoundrels! – Episode 177 – Shane Plays Geek Talk

galactic scoundrels shane plays podcast title 2-16-2019Podcast version of the Shane Plays Geek Talk radio show from 2/16/2019:
Galaxy of Scoundrels!

Highlights: Shane and guest co-host Richard McBain gab on a live remote from Game Goblins as they catch up with Little Rock Games for the Galactic Scoundrels release party! Plus Richard’s Top 5 geeky movies for 2019, a veritable cornucopia of geek news, and all the usual tomfoolery and nonsense!

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1 PM Central on 101.1 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at  and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, SoundCloud & Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

Direct MP3 Download:

Listen Here via Embed:


Podcast Zinger is from Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back “Scoundrel” scene

Question from listener Chris Hardgrove:
Playing live stream style games online in Colombia

Richard’s Top 5 Geeky Movies for 2019
5. Ad Astra
4. Unnamed Terminator Sequel
3. Star Wars: Episode IX
2. John Wick Chapter 3 – Parabellum
1. Avengers: Endgame

Dragon Ball Super: Broly video release date: April 16 |

Show sponsor Troll Lord Games has launched a kickstarter for another book in the Castles & Crusades Mythos Series!
Codex Egyptium is live! From Ra to Set, from temple to tomb, unlock the Gods of Ancient Egypt. Bring their otherworldly mythology to your gaming table. Don’t miss out! As a bonus they’ve included the 2nd edition of Codex Celtarum as well!

Andrew from LootTheBoss reached out to me:
Kickstarter (ends March 3): Ultimate Player Race Creator – Endless 5E D&D Races
Make any playable Dungeons and Dragons race you can imagine with hundreds of racial traits to choose from

Rian Johnson Confirms His Star Wars Trilogy Is Still Happening [UPDATED] | ScreenRant

Episode IX’s Shoot Comes to a Close as J.J. Abrams Posts an Emotional Cast Photo | io9

‘Masters of the Universe’ Movie Filming Start Date and Location Revealed |

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Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.