A journey into the things we love: Podcast + blog! Get your geek on or discover your inner geek: games, video games, RPGs, comic books, movies, TV, books, oh so much more!
This episode: Dirty rats, oozes, menacing drow and broken swords in the sewers of Luskan. My 2 year old son helps commentate for a bit.
This a let’s play of the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends.
Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience. With a deep narrative developed by a team of long-time industry veterans and a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends brings the world of Faerûn home like never before.
This episode: Buncha dirty rats (four legged and otherwise) in the Luskan sewers. Our thief –er, rogue (we’re so enlightened now after all) starts earning his keep.
This a let’s play of the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends.
Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience. With a deep narrative developed by a team of long-time industry veterans and a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends brings the world of Faerûn home like never before.
Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 10/31/2015: Jeff Dee & Jack Herman – Villains & Vigilantes!
Highlights: Role playing game designers Jeff Dee & Jack Herman of Villains & Vigilantes / Monkey House Games discuss V&V and their legal battle; geek news.
Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer 99.5 FM (temporary station change through mid-November 2015) in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at http://965fmtheanswer.comhttp://faithtalk995.com (temporary station change through mid-November 2015) and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps.
For all of October and through November 14, 2015, Shane Plays Radio will air live on sister station 99.5 FM at the regular time of 1:05 PM Central on Saturdays, then air again pre-recorded on Sundays on 96.5 FM at 1:05 PM. You can also listen live online at http://faithtalk995.com. The podcast and Krypton Radio version information remain the same.
This episode: Harvestin’ harvesters and levelin’ up in the Hallowed Grove.
Join Shane as he plays through a hardcore computer RPG that has the mechanics and style of a 90s CRPG, and that’s just dripping with beautiful atmosphere!
Thanks for watching!
About Serpent in the Staglands:
A true role-playing adventure.
A campaign within the world of Vol, a fully realized setting inspired by the late bronze age in a Transylvanian landscape, with unique politics, races and gods steeped in history. Featuring a chosen party of five, you role-play Necholai, a minor god of a celestial body who descends to the Staglands for a moonlit festival only to find the way home blocked and immortality slipping away. Seeking answers and aid, you take on a mortal body and the guise of a traveling Spicer. This isn’t a story of good and evil, saving the world or being a hero, it’s about intrigue and your adventure of survival in a harsh land.
This episode: Wolves, double crosses and more shenanigans with Burkins.
This a let’s play of the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends.
Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience. With a deep narrative developed by a team of long-time industry veterans and a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends brings the world of Faerûn home like never before.
This episode: Another nightmare, then a nightmare of a time getting into Luskan because the gates are closed. Okay, well maybe not a nightmare of a time, but it fit thematically with the beginning of the description and. Ah, forget it.
This a let’s play of the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends.
Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience. With a deep narrative developed by a team of long-time industry veterans and a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends brings the world of Faerûn home like never before.
Update: Evidently it’s an open secret among the Star Wars crowd what the object in the movie poster actually is, as I was informed fairly quickly after my post. I’ve been avoiding spoilers so did not know. In the interests of not spoiling it for you, I’ll not say. Go hunt it down if that’s your thing 🙂
I’m reaching here. Let’s just get that out of the way.
I’m also very likely wrong.
Consider this more of a “hm, something I noticed” post rather than a “consider this theory” post. It’s not even half baked. It might be sixteenth baked if I’m lucky.
You have been appropriately notified.
So. The Star Wars Instagram account posted this image of “an early protoype model of the Death Star. So beautiful, and so deadly” yesterday.
After my initial I love Star Wars Retro Design Moment™, my next impression was that the deeper equatorial trench reminded me of something I had seen recently. Now, what was it…?
Oh yeah, the Star Wars VII: The Force Unleashed movie poster.
Specifically, the spherical thingy (that’s the official, technical term for it according to J.J.) in the upper right portion of the poster.
I’m not saying they’re definitely related, and I’m not saying the image in the poster is a Death Star or even a superweapon. For all we know it’s a droid or a ship or heck even a thermal detonator (although why you would feature something that is basically a grenade with so much real estate is beyond me).
All I’m saying is, that’s where my first impression went. Look some more and see if it tries to connect in your geeky mind as well:
Knowing how marketing works these days, they probably did it on purpose just to mess with folks.
I have to say I really hope it’s NOT a Death Star or something similar. We’ve been there and done that twice. And the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship portion of The Phantom Menace‘s ending was close enough again.
Here’s a bonus size comparison shot for taking the time to check out this post! Enjoy!
Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 10/24/2015: Ed Greenwood & Hellmaw!
Highlights: Bestselling fantasy author Ed Greenwood and fellow The Ed Greenwood Group authors Chris A. Jackson and Erik Scott de Bie talk new Hellmaw series; geek news with Gregory A. Wilson.
Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer 99.5 FM (temporary station change through mid-November 2015) in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at http://965fmtheanswer.comhttp://faithtalk995.com (temporary station change through mid-November 2015) and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps.
For all of October and through November 14, 2015, Shane Plays Radio will air live on sister station 99.5 FM at the regular time of 1:05 PM Central on Saturdays, then air again pre-recorded on Sundays on 96.5 FM at 1:05 PM. You can also listen live online at http://faithtalk995.com. The podcast and Krypton Radio version information remain the same.
Congratulations to Don Miller of Tennessee for winning the Dungeons and Dragons Dice Masters: Battle for Faerun 2 Player Starter Set giveaway on the Shane Plays Facebook page!
Shane survived The Great Star Wars Advance Ticket Internet Meltdown of 2015
Great Scott! Back to the Future is now all in the past: October 21, 2015 has come and gone
Wizards of the Coast’s newest D&D sourcebook (in conjunction with Green Ronin Publishing) is the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide, or SCAG as I am beginning to affectionately call.
Officially releasing November 3, 2015, some game stores in WotC’s premiere network (including my own friendly local game store) received advance copies October 23rd so I’m able to give this first look and help placate the ravening hordes until the general release.
So after spending a couple of days with the SCAG, what’s it all about? Do I like it? Would Drizzt Do’Urden salute or slash all involved? Does Ed Greenwood burst through the pages dressed like Elminster into your bedroom and puff smoke in your eyes? Read on and find out (or, alternately, watch the optional video version below)!
The SCAG‘s back cover exclaims “this book provides the setting, story, and character options needed to participate in a D&D game anywhere along the Sword Coast of Faerûn.”
The Sword Coast lies along the Northwestern portion of Faerûn, which is itself a continent on the world of Toril. All of them are part of Ed Greenwood’s famous Forgotten Realms D&D setting. Although the SCAG does cover some lore of the Realms in general, the majority of it is, as the title suggests, all about the Sword Coast.
This book isn’t just a campaign setting. It’s also not just full of rules for new ways to customize characters. Instead it’s a blend: part campaign setting and part player’s resource. Although written with the D&D tabletop game in mind, folks that love the Forgotten Realms world in books and games would probably find a lot of things to be interested in with the SCAG.
At night, the unicorns run and play
“Campaign setting”-wise here’s what you’ll find:
History of the Realms
Magic in the Realms
Religion of the Realms
Gods of Faerûn
All of the above sections are very descriptive and rich in atmosphere. You can get comfy on your couch and dig in.
These seem to symbolize something
The major cities and areas of the Sword Coast are covered, including of course Waterdeep, Neverwinter, Luskan, the Dwarfholds, and the Underdark (although readers interested in in-depth coverage of the Underdark should refer to the recently released Out of the Abyss campaign sourcebook). The locations in the SCAG breakdown along these lines:
The Lord’s Alliance
Dwarfholds of the North
Island Kingdoms
Independent Realms
The Underdark
It’s a little known fact Baldur’s Gate was founded by a mad wizard who was trying to cast a spell to annihilate hair
The locations are described in both third person like an encyclopedia entry and in some cases in a first person “travelogue” style. The Underdark, for example, is a first person account of an escaped slave who manages to gain aid from the svirfneblin.
“Player’s Resource”-wise, the SCAG offers:
All Races from the Player’s Handbook are represented in the SCAG, and each race is provided with plenty of background on how they fit in within the Forgotten Realms. Many of the differences have PH analogs, however some races have sub-races or variants that are unique to the Realms:
Dwarves: Duergar
Halflings: Ghostwise
Gnome: Svirfneblin (Deep Gnome)
Half-Elf: 4 variants
Tieflings: 5 variants
If you’re not likin’ me armor, my axe’ll be likin’ yer face
As with the races, all classes from the Player’s Handbook are present and all classes come with a nice helping of Realms-specific descriptive information. In addition, several receive some new rules love:
Barbarians: 2 new Primal Paths
Bards: 3 new Colleges that have PH equivalents; 12 new musical instruments
Clerics: 1 new Domain
Druids: 3 new Circles that have PH equivalents; rules for moonwells
Fighters: 1 new Martial Archetype
Monks: 6 new Monastic Orders, 3 of which have PH equivalents; 2 new Monastic Traditions
Paladins: 3 new Orders; 1 new Oath
Rangers: Some flavor and race notes, but rules-wise the SCAG gives Rangers bupkis (which to me is interesting because one of the most famous Forgotten Realms characters is a ranger)
Rogues: 2 new Archetypes
Sorcerers: 1 new Origin
Warlocks: Realms-specific patron notes for existing PH Patron options; 1 new Patron option
Wizards: 2 new Wizardly Groups; 1 new Arcane Tradition; notes on Mage Sigils
What do you call a rogue in the Realms? A rogue.
This was probably the only really disappointing part of the SCAG for me at only 4 new spells, with all of them being cantrips on the sorcerer, warlock, and wizard spell lists.
Booming Blade
Green-Flame Blade
Lightning Lure
Sword Burst
Green! Flame!
12 new backgrounds:
City Watch
Clan Crafter
Cloistered Scholar
Faction Agent
Far Traveler
Knight of the Order
Mercenary Veteran
Urban Bounty Hunter
Uthgardt Tribe Member
Waterdhavian Noble
I don’t care what “uthgardt” rhymes with, despite what it looks like I DO shower, OK???
Other thoughts & impressions of the SCAG:
The excellent art direction and overall quality of D&D 5E books continues with the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. Another great looking book with excellent art.
I immediately noticed it felt lighter and was thinner than the other books, but that’s OK… it has a lighter price tag at $39.95 as opposed to the $49.95 for the majority of the other 5E books.
Sword Coast would seem to be a somewhat limited region for its own sourcebook (as opposed to the continent of Faerûn or the overall world of Toril), but given the amount of game supplements, novels and computer games over the years set in the just the Sword Coast area (including the Underdark, which basically doubles the size of the region) the Sword Coast has earned its place as rich, varied setting of its own that entire campaigns and even campaigns of campaigns can be run in without running out of space. It’s easy to get lost in the campaign setting portion of the SCAG such as the history, locations, and deities.
I like the fact that they included notes for using the new player options in other settings such as Dragonlance, Greyhawk, Eberron and even homebrew settings. Nice touch.
Slither, slither, every day it’s just slither, slither, slither. I despair.
Should you buy it?
This is always a subjective answer, but I’ll do my best.
If you’re a D&D and/or Forgotten Realms completist, absolutely. It’s another quality product for the 5E line.
If you are a regular D&D player (either a DM or player) and spend any time in the Realms or are hungry for more player options, then yes I would recommend picking up the SCAG.
If you aren’t a big Forgotten Realms person or feel you have quite enough sourcebooks and player options at the moment thank you very much, then I would give it a pass (just don’t tell Bruenor I said that). This sourcebook is definitely targeted at a specific audience.
Should you drop your coin on the SCAG?
Thanks for reading and make sure to check out the photo gallery below. Happy Sword Coasting!
This episode: Natives aplenty in the Hallowed Grove. Ruxandra howls. We reload a few times.
Join Shane as he plays through a hardcore computer RPG that has the mechanics and style of a 90s CRPG, and that’s just dripping with beautiful atmosphere!
Thanks for watching!
About Serpent in the Staglands:
A true role-playing adventure.
A campaign within the world of Vol, a fully realized setting inspired by the late bronze age in a Transylvanian landscape, with unique politics, races and gods steeped in history. Featuring a chosen party of five, you role-play Necholai, a minor god of a celestial body who descends to the Staglands for a moonlit festival only to find the way home blocked and immortality slipping away. Seeking answers and aid, you take on a mortal body and the guise of a traveling Spicer. This isn’t a story of good and evil, saving the world or being a hero, it’s about intrigue and your adventure of survival in a harsh land.