The hits keep coming. Well, some of them are hits. Some of them are misses. And some of them are just low blows. But the important thing is this series of posts continues to be popular so here’s yet another one for your viewing pleasure. Or pain. Or whatever.
If you missed the first one, here it is. And while you’re at it, don’t miss the second one. Come to think of it, here’s the third one, too.
And awaaayyy we go…

Unless it’s cursed, then it’s a lesson learned

I always suspected there was a flow to it

It always ends up there anyway…

Speaking of back up plans

The ladies love it

Shouldn’t that be cat’s magic missle?

Won’t you be, won’t you be… my victim?

Even harder to get than two front teeth

I could cut you down so low, it would take all your hit points

Wait, since when is a unicorn an animal companion? Sheesh, Saturday morning cartoons were so unrealistic

That Bard is draggin’ his rep down

Way to keep the game punchy

That time of the character generation

Actually, it’s a halfling suit of battering

Fortunately it doubles as a mess kit

Unspeakable madness for a nickel

And the halfling is the toy surprise

Or: playing with DMs that have no concept of game balance

And speaking of game balance…
Finally, these words to part by…