These posts have proven popular to you, the ravenous gaming public, so here’s another one. Yer welcome.
If you missed the first one, here it is. And while you’re at it, don’t miss the second one 🙂
And now on with the show my droogies.

An army of one. In a well balanced group. Credit to @BadDiceBad via Twitter

May have signed up for too many this semester

Fortunately the new DMG has a weasel availability table, with subtables for town type

It’ll be ok

And speaking of ok…

It’s the right thing to do, no bones about it

The glass was a mimic – The DM


Steve and his crossbow. I tell ya.

Some therapist in Baldur’s Gate is going to make their career off of this one.

A howling bad fumble

This fumble has everyone’s shorts in a twist

A brainy move, but still a fumble

Does my character still get XP if I’m not there?

These are the basement voyages…

Blue suede shoes of stealth

Sometimes you get it right the first time

1979, remember?

Uphill both ways in the snow and we LIKED it

Can’t believe the guy even asked

It all spends the same

Chugalug chugalug

The nerd’s Rorschach test

I guess the cat’s finally out of the bag
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