Author Archives: Shane

Board Games & Audiobooks! – Radio Show / Podcast Episode 18

Shane Plays radio show podcast title 9/26/2015 Board Games & Audiobooks!Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 9/26/2015:
Board Games & Audiobooks!

Highlights: Kevin Clay joins us for the “Top 5 Games For Families That You May Not Know About” and the behind the scenes of creating audiobooks. Kevin’s rowdy in a good way, don’t miss it!

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps.

Like what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories after the live show).

Podcast Episode Direct Download

Listen Now:


Temporary Station Change! For all of October and first two weeks of November, Shane Plays Radio will air live on sister station 99.5 FM at the regular time of 1:05 PM on Saturdays, then air again pre-recorded on Sundays on 96.5 FM at 1:05 PM.


Star Trek Enterprise-D Virtual Tour in Unreal engine

Bill Finger, Batman co-creator, gets credit at last

Gotham Season 2 premiered last Monday, September 21st

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns this Tuesday, September 29th

Flash Season 2 premieres October 6th

Vixen animated shorts on CW Seed

Marvel’s Jessica Jones on Netflix November 6th


The “Top 5 Games For Families That You May Not Know About”.

Behind the scenes of creating audiobooks.

Kevin is a massive board game geek, a narrator for Audible, and an all around fun and creative guy.

Twitter: @thekevinclay


A sample of Audible audiobooks Kevin has narrated:

After: The Shock, Book 1

Operation Enduring Unity, Omnibus Edition

The Chosen: Rise of Cithria Book 1


Table Topping logo

Twitch & YouTube personality / Dungeon Master Dave of Table Topping!







Let’s Play Serpent in the Staglands #16

This episode: We explore Emerald Metalis, meet a rude witch, and get involved in dispute negotiations between the city and some hostile natives. Along the way we learn more about the deities of Vol (including the goddess of portals… hmmmm).

Join Shane as he plays through a hardcore computer RPG that has the mechanics and style of a 90s CRPG, and that’s just dripping with beautiful atmosphere!

Thanks for watching!

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

About Serpent in the Staglands:

A true role-playing adventure.

A campaign within the world of Vol, a fully realized setting inspired by the late bronze age in a Transylvanian landscape, with unique politics, races and gods steeped in history. Featuring a chosen party of five, you role-play Necholai, a minor god of a celestial body who descends to the Staglands for a moonlit festival only to find the way home blocked and immortality slipping away. Seeking answers and aid, you take on a mortal body and the guise of a traveling Spicer. This isn’t a story of good and evil, saving the world or being a hero, it’s about intrigue and your adventure of survival in a harsh land.

Buy on GOG:
<a href=””></a>

Buy on Steam:
<a href=””></a>

Shanna Germain & Chris Avellone talk Numenera on Shane Plays

Numenera! – Radio Show / Podcast Episode 17

Shane Plays Radio Podcast 9/19/2015 - Numenera!Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 9/19/2015:

Highlights: Numenera RPG with Shanna Germain of Monte Cook Games and game designer Chris Avellone.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps.

Like what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories after the live show).

Podcast Episode Direct Download

Listen Now:



The attack eyebrows are back! Doctor Who Series 9 begins today, September 19th!

Star Fox Zero Delayed Until Spring 2016
Shigeru Miyamoto issues apology via Facebook.

Sword Coast Legends Head Start weekend!
Shane will be streaming off and on all weekend on Twitch at:

D&D Out of the Abyss review up on the Shane Plays blog and YouTube. Happy Underdarking!


Shanna Germain & Chris Avellone talk Numenera on Shane Plays

Shanna Germain of Monte Cook Games and Chris Avellone join us for a full show about Numenera, the award-winning far future science fiction role playing game featuring the Cypher System.

Monte Cook Games:


How to Play Numenera (video from Monte Cook Games)

Torment: Tides of Numenera:

Shanna Germain on Twitter:

Chris Avellone on Twitter:


Kevin Clay joins us to talk board games and recording audiobooks!

D&D Out of the Abyss cover

D&D’s Out of the Abyss (Rage of Demons) First Look & Review

Demogorgon rampaging

I’m a demo. I’m a gorgon. I’m a Demogorgon, baby!

Out of the Abyss is the tabletop RPG portion of the new Rage of Demons Dungeons & Dragons storyline from Wizards of the Coast, in collaboration with Green Ronin Publishing. Officially releasing tomorrow, September 15th, I’ve had my copy for a few days thanks to my local game store getting a few early (thanks to a program WotC has with certain game stores).

You’ll find a photo gallery at the end of the post, and an optional YouTube version of this review is embedded below. Enjoy!

It should be noted that I haven’t actually played through any of the campaign, either as a DM or a player, so I can’t speak to how it feels to roll the dice and role play with it. However I’ve spent some time getting a feel for the book itself so these notes are based on that. I’m also trying to give an idea of what’s included without major spoilers, so feel free to read on as a player.

Out of the Abyss clocks in at:

  • 254 pages
  • 17 chapters
  • 4 appendices
  • 1 afterword

Amongst all that goodness, in addition to the campaign setting you’ll get:

  • New background options
  • New magic items
  • New creatures
  • Stats for the demon lords

As with other products in the D&D 5th Edition line, this hardback has great production values, design and artwork. 5th Edition is really establishing itself for that alone.

So what’s all about? Out of the Abyss is Cloverfield meets the Underdark meets Alice in Wonderland as a drow archmage unleashes a terror on the Underdark and madness permeates the already dangerous and mysterious realm.

Alice in Wonderland, you say? Why yes, I answer. Chris Perkins himself specifically mentions it in his foreword to the book as an influence. But not to worry, my perusal does not reveal silliness or whimsy… this is serious business. Cloverfield, you say? Why yes, I answer. Because, you know, big old huge nasty beastie rampaging through cities in the Underdark and leaving ruins and madness in its wake. Which I find extremely cool.

What about a certain dual wielding dark elf named Drizzt? Can you have an Underdark campaign without him. No spoilers here, but I will say he is confirmed for the Rage of Demons storyline (the multi platform story line that Out of the Abyss is part of), however IF (see, I said IF) he appears in Out of the Abyss the story and adventure are the characters’, not an NPC’s. The characters are not sidekicks to a larger story.

Speaking of the player characters, they begin the campaign as lowly 1st level prisoners of the drow in attempting to escape work their way towards a climactic encounter with the very demon lords themselves, along the way encountering many exciting locations, events and encounters… both set and random!

This isn’t the Underdark you think you know, however. Already a bit deranged, with the terror unleashed new madness is in evidence, so much so that a game mechanic very similar to the sanity check from the Call of Cthulhu RPG is in effect. Madness can build on your characters and manifest in very unpleasant ways.

Some old favorite races and new ones make appearances, including drow, duergar, kuo-toa, illithids, gnolls, orcs, derro, and beholders.

The Underdark is HUGE. The included full page map has fairly small hexes that each represent 24 miles and travel is at a reduced pace compared to overland travel. Locations include Menzoberranzan, Gauntlgrym, Gravenhollow, Blingdenstone, the Darklake and many more.

Statistics, encounters, game balance and math aside… since the Underdark itself is so atmospheric much of whether DMs and players like Out of the Abyss or not will depend on the atmosphere itself, more so than most other products.

Do section headings like “Fungi of the Underdark”, “The Pudding King”, “The Fetid Wedding” and “The Wormwrithings” appeal do you?

Do you like the idea of madness building up on your characters? Do unhinged encounters appeal to you, as well as not seeing sunlight for 15 levels?

Do you want to run into a spore servant, perhaps a drow, whose head has burst with spores poking up through its head like an awful crown?

Do you, in fact, want demon lords with challenge ratings that would make an adult red dragon run and hide in your game?

The Underdark and its locations and denizens are fascinating, but going this deep (pun only slightly intended) may not be for everyone.

That being said, Out of the Abyss is very well done. It has great descriptions of the motivations of the races and cultures of the Underdark, and monsters and locations exist within a defined, interconnected ecosystem with more than just a token attempt to explain how the ecosystem works. Just perusing through the book I felt both the wonder and the dread and claustrophobia of this underground world.

Price value? My inner grognard balks at the $50 price tag, yet it should be noted that seems to be a normal price price for RPG rulebooks these days. Also, as with other recent D&D books you can buy it from sources such as Amazon for much cheaper. I paid the full price to get an early copy, but that was my choice of course. So what am I saying? I guess I’m saying $50 seems steep to me for *any* rulebook but there’s legit ways to get them cheaper and, again, part of me is still stuck in the 80s and 90s.

Marketed as an adventuring campaign for characters 1st-15th level (that’s a lot of campaign!) this book is rich enough to be used as a one-off adventure, a series of adventures, a campaign, and an entire setting. I can see it being very useful as a reference if you wanted to ignore the campaign itself. If you’re a fan of the Underdark, you definitely need to pick it up.

I find myself in the position of having enjoyed studying Out of the Abyss, but wishing I had not so that I could play it fresh as a player for all the cool stuff that’s going to happen.

Thanks for reading and make sure to check out the photo gallery below! Happy Underdarking!

Gene Turnbow of Krypton Radio on Shane Plays Radio banner

Radio Show / Podcast Episode 16: Who’s On Krypton!

shane plays podcast title 9-12-2015Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 9/12/2015:
Who’s On Krypton!

Highlights: Doctor Who discussion; Interview with Gene Turnbow and DJ Willow Leafstorm of Krypton Radio.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps.

Like what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories after the live show).

Podcast Episode Direct Download

Listen Now:



Star Trek: The Original Series 49th Anniversary – September 8, 1966
Star Trek: The Animated Series 42nd Anniversary – September 8, 1973

Sword Coast Legends: Belaphoss Statue and 9/10 Twitch Stream Notes

Video: Star Wars BB-8 astromech droid remote control toy


The attack eyebrows are back! Doctor Who Series 9 Begins September 19th!

Doctor Who Season 9 Prologue

The Doctor and River Song to reunite for Doctor Who Christmas special


Gene Turnbow of Krypton Radio on Shane Plays Radio banner
Gene Turnbow, founder and program director and DJ Willow Leafstorm of Krypton Radio. Krypton Radio is 24/7 online science fiction radio that’s Scifi for your Wifi!

Krypton Radio:

Krypton Radio on Twitter:

Gene Turnbow’s

DJ Willow Leafstorm on Facebook:

DJ Willow Leafstorm on Twitter:


Numenera Core Rulebook Cover

Shanna Germain of Monte Cook Games and Chris Avellone join us for a full show about Numenera, the award-winning far future science fiction role playing game featuring the Cypher System.

Monte Cook Games:


Torment: Tides of Numenera:

Shanna Germain on Twitter:

Chris Avellone on Twitter:

BB-8 Star Wars astromech toy

Video: Star Wars BB-8 Astromech Droid Remote Control Toy

I happened to run into a cute little remote control BB-8 in the wild, and caught some video of it before it loped off into the trees.

It rolls around, makes little boopy noises and almost but not quite words (like “uh oh”), has preprogrammed gestures and movement patterns plus augmented reality features.

The head is independent of the spherical body via magnets.

Fun! (and cute)

Sword Coast Legends Twitch stream title

Sword Coast Legends: Belaphoss statue and 9/10 Twitch stream notes

Sword Coast Legends Twitch stream title

And lo, yet again the Sword Coast Legends team graced the ravening hordes with a Twitch stream today, tantalizing us with news and gameplay of the soon to be released Dungeons & Dragons 5E CRPG extravaganza!

Make sure to check out the notes below for lots of cool info and tidbits. Design Council folks will get their chance to play in a head start weekend starting Sep 11th, and all preorders can have fun in a head start weekend starting Sep 18th. The game releases to the public on September 25th.

Ash and Dan, together again for your carnage pleasure

The Twitch stream was hosted by:

Ash Sevilla: Community Manager
Dan Tudge: SCL Director


Head Start weekend (for Design Council level this weekend) starts tomorrow (Friday, Sep 11) at some point in the evening EST but exact time not known yet.

Special stream on Saturday chatting about the game and showing n-Space created modules.

Dan doing a Q&A while playing on Hard mode. There may be a party wipe. Q&A interspersed with gameplay.

Chris (art director) shows off Belaphoss statue that is a premium preorder incentive. Looks pretty great.

I am Belaphoss! Your greater size matters not! Unhand me and I'll, oh wait, that tickles!

I am Belaphoss! Your greater size matters not! Unhand me and I’ll, oh wait, that tickles!

For a rampaging boss demon thingy, I've got a pretty great profile.

For a rampaging boss demon thingy, I’ve got a pretty great profile.

New setting: DM threat can be turned off. Players and press were both asking about this. If you play with threat completely off, more game balancing needed on front end. Players will know going in whether it is normal threat, threat off, or unlimited threat. Evidently everyone “must agree”.

Pause options: Many more pause options for players and DM in co-op. Game host decides pause options.

Team has implemented AI controlled companions for single player co-op (that sounds weird to describe it that way, my description not theirs). AI companions come in at player level.

Head Start access this weekend for Design Council players.

Ash will be streaming Head Start games, encourages players to stream.

Future road map: closer to launch there will be a roadmap for upcoming months.

Gameplay (by Dan) begins in Evermoors. Party looking for way into the Underdark.

Gameplay is part of story campaign, Ash warns of minor spoilers.

Party talks with female NPC giving quest exposition, good voice acting.

Sword Coast Legends old lady NPC screenshot

It’s an old lady in the Evermoors. Obviously trouble.

Ash reminds game is on Hard. Hard is hard. Requires tactical things. There will be death.

Items can be sorted by weight in addition to value.

Inventory has a junk tab. It doesn’t trash items, just collects them together for easier management.

On Hard your companions take 100% friendly fire damage. Dan unleashes a spell and hopes his companions don’t die.

No fudging of the rules on Hard. You can get one-shotted and die.

Combat log shown off… you can click on entries and get more info on rolls in a pop up.

Combat log screenshot

It’s a log. Of combat.

Animations and sound during combat are very nice, multi leveled stuff going on.

Companion goes down during first big fight. Dan stabilizes her.

Players cannot currently customize gear color. Dan says it is is in the backlog of features to get to.

DMs can modify gear color for NPCs.

Evermoors tileset ambiance is nice… creepy but alive.

It's the Evermoors. They want you to stay forever.

It’s the Evermoors. They want you to stay forever.

Dan finds a loot from a previous kill. I asked if this was from a previous save (i.e. is loot persistent but didn’t get a reply… not surprising, chat in the Twitch streams is heavy).

You can set camera to lock onto character. Can also use WASD camera controls.

Spiders… plus an elite giant spider.

Ash turns off cam so we can see mini map. Typical mini-map type functionality… small circle in upper right of UI. Also larger full screen map can be accessed.

Companions going down quite often. Fights are tough.

Ash says right now limit for “raised” (summoned) monsters per player character is one. So I guess max of four per party if everyone can summon?

Dan is doing a lot of pausing and tactics. Ash says it looks grim. Dan says he can handle it, uses Revivify ability which takes 2 action points.

Dan says hm, may be a wipe. Spiders run rampant on Dan in massive carnage. Wipe confirmed.

After wipe, it goes back to last save. This resets party to before they talked to old lady NPC. Dan decides to run around the Evermoors and fight stuff rather than kick off quest again. They mention this is the first time what happens on full party wipe has been shown to public.

Player characters can go in and out of single player and DM campaigns. Equipment / weight carries over. Weight and buy / sell prices are based on main character.

Camera can now zoom in more during NPC interactions to show off detail on character models.

If you bring in a friend’s player into co-op, it will remove a companion and drop them in. When they leave, the companion comes back.

Ambush combat (random encounters?) while traveling on world map? Yes, absolutely. Not just combat. Encounters reflect where you are in the story.

Dungeon layouts are still randomized but you can reroll dungeons until you get a layout you like. Item placement and lighting can be customized for big changes in feel / tone. Dan said he saw stuff he thought was a new tileset but wasn’t.

Monsters are scaled to average player level. So for groups with varying levels of characters it tries to compensate. Lower level characters tend to level up to catch up quickly then it evens out.

Characters are stored on server so it is difficult to hack characters however if someone really wants to they will.

You can kick players that are obviously cheating.

DLC schedule: Rage of Demons first and only announced DLC at this point, no date firmed yet. DLC will keep coming if players keep playing.

All preorders regardless of when preordered will get Rage of Demons DLC.

Dan tries big spider fight again. He mentioned earlier he doesn’t like spiders.

There is offline mode. Character is saved and then synched up through Steam when you are online again. No support for “offline” LAN play.

Rogues have arcane trickster abilities. Rogue at PAX had some arcane trickster abilities.

Spiders are trying to kite Dan’s party. Nice AI.

Question about Drizzt being usable as NPC by DMs in Rage of Demons. Ash says they are not really talking specifics about it yet, but they did show a picture of Drizzt at PAX and that should be a hint.

Ash really likes the variety of monster abilities in SCL.

DMs will have access to a demon monster set so they can make demonic campaigns.

No multiclassing right now but players can build their characters very differently.

Vendors sell items based on character level. Different items at different times.

I think I heard Ash say you will not be able to buy amazing magical items from vendors. Follow up note from Twitter user @The_Yelle: “just a clarification: vendors sell not just common items. Some sell unique things you don’t normally find from random drops.”

Dan picks a fight and says he’ll go out in a blaze of glory. Actually, he does pretty well.




Let’s Play Serpent in the Staglands #15

This episode: We get into a fight (and bring the stank!) despite trying to take the peaceful way out, get shaken down by the authorities, and take the direct approach in recovering our spicer documents.

Join Shane as he plays through a hardcore computer RPG that has the mechanics and style of a 90s CRPG, and that’s just dripping with beautiful atmosphere!

Thanks for watching!

About Serpent in the Staglands:

A true role-playing adventure.

A campaign within the world of Vol, a fully realized setting inspired by the late bronze age in a Transylvanian landscape, with unique politics, races and gods steeped in history. Featuring a chosen party of five, you role-play Necholai, a minor god of a celestial body who descends to the Staglands for a moonlit festival only to find the way home blocked and immortality slipping away. Seeking answers and aid, you take on a mortal body and the guise of a traveling Spicer. This isn’t a story of good and evil, saving the world or being a hero, it’s about intrigue and your adventure of survival in a harsh land.

Buy on GOG:

Buy on Steam: