Updated character creation in the Beta version. Pretty nice stuff! Shane recreates his Magus from the Alpha knowing better how the class works now. NOTE: This video is character creation only. Next video starts gameplay.

Updated character creation in the Beta version. Pretty nice stuff! Shane recreates his Magus from the Alpha knowing better how the class works now. NOTE: This video is character creation only. Next video starts gameplay.
The Old Sycamore dungeon branches out (see what I did there). Giant centipedes. The mite queen hates kobolds just a mite. Fun with resting. Shane wastes a lesser restoration potion. We see a bit of the behind the scenes of what the game dev engine / art assets process looks like for designers (literally).
We finish the Ancient Tomb and follow Tartuccio's trail to the Old Sycamore. Kobolds and mites don't like each other. Will-o'-wisps are kind of tough (no wonder, they're CR 6 and my party is level 2). Thylacines aren't (no wonder, they're CR 1/2).
This was a YouTube Live Stream video. Resting mechanics, the Spider Cave and the Ancient Tomb. Linzi the bard is recruited. (Alpha means incomplete. Not all content and features are fully ...
Two combats with bandits, leveling up, and buying / selling at Oleg's Trading Post in the Closed Alpha version of Pathfinder: Kingmaker. (Alpha means incomplete. Not all content and features are fully implemented, not all in-game copy is perfect, there will ...
Game options and character creation in the Closed Alpha version of Pathfinder: Kingmaker. (Alpha means incomplete. Not all content and features are fully implemented, not all in-game copy is perfect, there will be bugs - this game is still a work in progress.) For more information on Pathfinder: Kingmaker please visit
Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 7/8/2017:
Chris Avellone & Pathfinder Kingmaker!
Highlights: Veteran game designer Chris Avellone talks the upcoming Pathfinder Kingmaker game from Owlcat Games!
Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It ...