This is the fifth part of a Let's Play series of Batman: Arkham Origins. In this part, we make our way into the depths of a floating lair and get a triple dose of super villian goodness (badness?): the Electrocutioner, the Penguin and Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke the Terminator! I edited ...
Category Archives: Let’s Play
Let’s Play: Batman: Arkham Origins 4
This is the fourth part of a Let's Play series of Batman: Arkham Origins. In this part, we track down the Penguin's lair using a good old fashioned Bat Combination of brains and brawn. Note: I am playing on a PC, using a gamepad instead of the keyboard. Thanks for watching! Shane Batman: Arkham ...
Let’s Play: Batman: Arkham Origins 3
This is the third part of a Let's Play series of Batman: Arkham Origins. In this part, we begin a strained relationship with Enigma, whoop up on plenty of random bad guys, and get ever closer to tracking down the Penguin. Note: I am playing on a PC, using a gamepad instead ...
Let’s Play: Batman: Arkham Origins 2
This is the second part of a Let's Play series of Batman: Arkham Origins. In this part, we do some sleuthing and sightseeing in the Batcave, get introduced to the eight assassins out for Batman's blood, and listen to witty banter from Alfred before blasting off in the Batwing back into the troubled night.
Let’s Play Batman: Arkham Origins 1
This is the first part of a Let's Play series of Batman: Arkham Origins. In this part, we bring some Christmas Eve cheer to Blackgate prison, and wrestle with Killer Croc. Note: I am playing on a PC, using a gamepad instead of the keyboard. Thanks for watching! Shane Batman: Arkham Origins is available via ...
Let’s Play Magic 2014 – Part 4
This is part four of a Let's Play series of Magic 2014 - Duels of the Planeswalkers in campaign mode. In this part we put the finishing touches on the plane of Innistrad by dueling Sigismund and his Avacyn's Glory deck. Thanks for watching! Shane Buy Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers from... Steam:
Let’s Play Magic 2014 – Part 3
This is part three of a Let's Play series of Magic 2014 - Duels of the Planeswalkers in campaign mode. This time up? The ole' Angry Mob, baby. Thanks for watching! Shane Buy Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers from... Steam: iTunes (iPad app): Subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel
Let’s Play Magic 2014 – Part 2
This is part two of a Let's Play series of Magic 2014 - Duels of the Planeswalkers in campaign mode. In this session we throw down with some Skirsdag Cultists in Innistrad. Those wacky cultists. Thanks for watching! Shane Buy Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers from... Steam: iTunes (iPad app): Subscribe ...
Let’s Play Magic 2014 – Part 1
Being a Magic: The Gathering fan from way back in the early 90s, I had no chance to resist when Steam offered Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers for a measly $4.99. I'll be working my way through the campaign mode in a series of Let's Play videos. First one below! Thanks for watching! Shane Buy ...