Visit the abandoned hanging gardens of Nangalore, complete with hallucinatory plants, carnivorous plants, eblis, and an eye-catching medusa. Black orchids. Locate Object targets. Do you identify spell scrolls differently than other magic items? A new patron means a new custom haiku!

D&D Tomb of Annihilation Notes #11 – Kir Sabal
It's cliff climbing, aarakocra, benevolent machinations by Teacher, and surprise royal progeny at the mountain monastery of Kir Sabal! This is an important location for the overall campaign and our party has reached a significant milestone in their adventure. Shield guardian amulets. Casting Burning Hands in an enclosed space.

D&D & RPGs: Timeless DM & Player Advice
In 1979, Gary Gygax listed some advice for DMs and Players in the famous The Keep on the Borderlands introductory module for Basic Dungeons & Dragons. How does this advice hold up 40 years later? Special shout out to Creighton Broadhurst of Raging Swan Press.

D&D Tomb of Annihilation Notes #10 – Orolunga
The strange, fantastic and helpful ziggurat of Orolunga with its elusive guardian naga. Montaging travel with player input. Portent dice. Does paralyzed end concentration? Disengage and movement. A new patron haiku.
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D&D Tomb of Annihilation Notes #9 – Firefinger
Crossing a river. Firefinger and pterafolk. Shield guardians are heavy. Azaka tigers out! When do turned undead actually turn? Climbing speed. Carrying capacity. Falling damage. Smacking someone as they fall past you.
Main recap starts at 30:00
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D&D Tomb of Annihilation Notes #8 – Vorn & Yellyark
Vorn the shield guardian and the goblins of Yellyark take front and center this episode. Is it a village, a spring trap... or both?? Invisible shenanigans. An unappreciated ambush. Bear traps can backfire. Surprising velociraptors.
Main recap starts at 19:40
The audio clips in places, mea culpa. That was the first time I've used that ...

D&D Tomb of Annihilation Notes #7 – Camp Vengeance
The party arrives at Camp Vengeance, which despite what you might think isn't exactly a resort and spa. Will Commander Breakbone conscript the party against their will? Will Undril be allowed to continue on the quest? Look at the size of that crocodile! Underwater combat and visibility. Alter Self. Throat leeches. Isle of Dread compared ...

How To Be A Good DM (And How To Know If You Are) – Episode 220 – 4/25/2020
Podcast version of the Shane Plays Geek Talk radio show from 4/25/2020:
How To Be A Good DM (And How To Know If You Are)
Highlights: Shane’s advice and tips for DMs / GMs, plus a foolproof ...

D&D Rules Crawl #2 & Patreon Announcement!
Shane's D&D Rules Crawl, where we brave the dread labyrinth of D&D rules discussion and clarification for fortune, fame, and glory!
Also, Shane Plays now has a Patreon for D&D / RPG Videos! Support for as little as $1 per month!
Shane Plays RPG & Tabletop Game Videos Patreon:
This Episode (from "Ten Rules to Remember" ...

D&D Tomb of Annihilation Notes #6 – Camp Righteous / The House of Man and Crocodile
Camp Righteous and the House of Man and Crocodile. Jungle goblins with harassing attitudes. An unnecessarily confusing puzzle floor. Disarming glyphs of warding. Casting Entangle on a ceiling. The old Web plus fire combo, baby. The infamous infinite mayonnaise jar. He's not heavy, he's my fellow murder hobo (or at least he wouldn't be if ...