Category Archives: CRPG

geek news cavalcade shane plays podcast title 2-22-2021

Geek News Cavalcade – Episode 237 – 2-22-2021

geek news cavalcade shane plays podcast title 2-22-2021
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #237 - 2/22/2021
Geek News Cavalcade

Highlights: It’s a veritable cavalcade of geeky news goodness! All Your Base 20th anniversary, WandaVision, Chinese CRPGs, The Burning Crusade for WoW Classic, McDonalds Pokemon scalper frenzy, Babylon 5, Red Dwarf, Day ...

space wreck demo thumbnail

Let’s Play Space Wreck Demo

Shane takes a look at the demo of Space Wreck, an intentionally short hardcore roleplaying game. P.S. Cambots suck.

Game description from Pahris Entertainment SIA: A passenger shuttle is damaged after a pirate attack and you must find replacement parts on a nearby derelict space ship. -- Intentionally short hardcore role playing game that borrows as ...

Sword Coast Legends

Let’s Play Sword Coast Legends Story Mode #51

The Underdark unfolds (barely) as we continue flailing around the Forlorn Cliffs with a terrible sense of direction but make progress working out the main puzzle to continue. Illydia and Hommet level up. We put the beat down on Drow cultists and assassins and various evil beasties.

This a let's play of the single-player campaign ...