The folks at Troll Lord Games are running their first ever Flash Media Mob today, February 12. Let’s join the fun!
Go to: for more info!
The folks at Troll Lord Games are running their first ever Flash Media Mob today, February 12. Let’s join the fun!
Go to: for more info!
I created this tutorial video to help others like me who may have stumbled around a bit the first time they go into an EVE Online mining barge, especially those like me who spent a lot of time in a Venture first.
I am using a Retriever but I strongly suspect a lot of this will apply to the other mining barges as well.
If you want to know the basics of getting into a mining barge and fitting it in EVE Online, this is your how to video!
If you want a complete, in-depth comprehensive tutorial on every aspect of mining barges and mining in EVE Online, this is not the how to video for you!
Thanks for watching!
Want to try EVE Online? The standard free trial is 14 days. If you would like a 21 day free trial, you can use this link:
(Full disclosure: I get something out of it, too)
This is part seven of a Let’s Play series of Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers in campaign mode. In this part we continue our foray into Zendikar and have to survive the Roil, a natural phenomenon unique to the Zendikar plane that is sort of a magical earthquake and storm rolled into one.
Thanks for watching!
Buy Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers from…
iTunes (iPad app):
An excellent video just came to my attention and adventuring along in the spirit of the D&D 40th anniversary, I present it to you below with no delay. This guy did a good job of covering a lot of information very quickly. I love this kind of nerd history / nostalgia.
By the way, the video’s creator is Jon Peterson, author of the Playing at the World book and blogger of RPG history. You can follow him on Twitter at @docetist. I like his style.
A History of D&D in 12 Treasures
In a strange coincidence, I happened to find a series of YouTube videos from the Wizards of the Coast Dungeons and Dragons R&D team recorded (and edited with extra material such as maps) as they play tested D&D Next rules (an upcoming edition of D&D that will follow 4th Edition) and began watching them on the same weekend that is considered the 40th anniversary of the venerable and seminal fantasy role playing game.
The coincidence was that I didn’t realize it was the D&D 40th until social media told me so and I was already watching along happily when I found out. Yay social media, yay serendipity.
Let me say up front that I haven’t played D&D since 3rd edition and really cut my teeth on 1st Edition back in the proverbial day. I’ve been listening to some audio of 4th Edition gameplay via the Major Spoilers Critical Hit podcast and felt myself torn between nostalgia for what the game used to be and a new set of rules that seemed to be a blend of classic D&D and video game sensibilities.
However, watching the D&D R&D (research and development, not Rodents & Dungeons) team joke, roll play and role play through a 3rd Edition adventure called “The Lich-Queen’s Beloved” that has been converted for D&D Next playtest rules restored my faith that this was still D&D. These guys had fun and it wasn’t overpowered like I was suspecting 4th Edition was, even with them playing 17th level characters.
I’m still not sure I’m cool with my characters “surging”, and man I miss THAC0 cuz I’m old school like that, yet I really like touches such as the bonds and faults and etc that have been added that encourage role playing along with roll playing.
Hopefully you’ll come away with the same sense of learning something new (assuming you are not up on your D&D editions) while laughing with these guys as they joke around and remind you what role playing can be among buddies. The way it ends is pretty classic as well and the DM managed to keep things going when lesser DMs would have cracked and bolted after the derailment began.
I’ll post the embedded videos below, all 5 parts.
The playtesters (at least those that were in the final couple of sessions) were:
There was also a failed dwarven rapper (yes like an MC rapper) towards the beginning who wore a metal tuxedo for armor but he only lasted one session. You heard that right.
And with no further fuss, grab your popcorn and turn your suspension of disbelief knob to 11 and away we go.
The Lich-Queen’s Beloved, a Comedic Tragedy in 5 Parts
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
This is part six of a Let’s Play series of Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers in campaign mode. In this part we continue our foray into Zendikar and run into a Rival Expedition.
Thanks for watching!
Buy Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers from…
iTunes (iPad app):
This is not a full Let’s Play series, but instead a single serving of my first hour of with Fez, a nice platformer (with an intriguing 3D twist) that is more relaxing than irritating while still being challenging enough to be fun and engaging. The art style, story tone, game mechanics and soundtrack all work together to provide a very nice experience.
From the Polytron website: “There are no enemies in FEZ. No bosses, no combat. In fact, no conflict of any kind. You can die, but there is no penalty for doing so. FEZ aims to create a non-threatening world rich with ambiance, a pleasant place to spend time in.”
I like it.
As always, thanks for watching!
Fez is available in the Xbox Live Arcade.
It is available on PC via:
This is part five of a Let’s Play series of Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers in campaign mode. In this part we make our first foray into the plane of Zendikar and mix it up with the Teeth of Akoum. I didn’t know you could literally fight teeth, but there you are.
Also, while playing I encountered two effects I was unfamiliar with. Here are their definitions:
Hexproof: a keyword ability that prevents a permanent or player from being the target of spells or abilities played by opponents. It chiefly appears in green, and to a lesser extent in white and blue.
Indestructible: If a permanent is indestructible, rules and effects can’t destroy it. Such permanents are not destroyed by lethal damage, and they ignore the lethal-damage state-based action. Rules or effects may cause an indestructible permanent to be sacrificed, put into a graveyard, or exiled. (Yeah, that’s clear as mud!)
Thanks for watching!
Buy Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers from…
iTunes (iPad app):
In this part we accidentally spend some more time exploring the Final Offer before heading to Lacey Towers to investigate a crime scene which apparently involves the murder of Black Mask. Along the way we solve an unrelated crime and get sidetracked into dealing with Anarky, which I suppose is ironically a bit of anarchy since it was unexpected and interfered with the plan.
Oh yeah, we also spend a lot of time batlining back and forth across the Gotham Pioneers bridge.
And just in case you’re wondering, we never actually make it to Lacey Towers. Next part, perhaps!
Towards the beginning of the video I mention fighting “Deadshot” in the previous video. I meant Deathstroke, AKA Slade Wilson.
Note: I am playing on a PC, using a gamepad instead of the keyboard.
Thanks for watching!
Batman: Arkham Origins is available via Steam here:
This is the fifth part of a Let’s Play series of Batman: Arkham Origins. In this part, we make our way into the depths of a floating lair and get a triple dose of super villian goodness (badness?): the Electrocutioner, the Penguin and Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke the Terminator!
I edited about 45 minutes of this video out as I figured out how to take down Slade just to spare you of watching me flail around and take beatings, but if you just want to see that kind of thing I can post it in another video. `
Note: I am playing on a PC, using a gamepad instead of the keyboard.
Thanks for watching!
Batman: Arkham Origins is available via Steam here: