Author Archives: Shane

Let’s Play Magic 2014 #10: Jailbreak

This is part 10 of a Let’s Play series of Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers in campaign mode. This marks our first venture into the Shandalar portion of the campaign and we face off against the Jailbreak deck. It’s an interesting encounter with a 9 turn limit that feels more like a puzzle than a standard match.

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Let’s Play Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall 13 (Müllers, Sewers, and Bugs)

In part 13 we look around frantically for Frau Müller, finally realize she’s not there due to a bug (she bugged out, ha ha!), do some backtracking (off camera) to get the game all sorted out, and have a nice little romp through the sewers. Since it’s Shadowrun, that romp very likely includes combat

NOTE: This is NOT Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall Director’s Cut. This is the original Dragonfall.

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Shadowrun Returns is a CRPG based on the tabletop Shadowrun RPG first introduced in 1989. Shadowrun Returns was funded via Kickstarter and is available for PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets. (Good Old Games)
Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

*Dragonfall is not out for iOS at this time but will be soon according to developer. Base game available

Google Play:
*Dragonfall not available on Google Play yet, base game available

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Monster Manual first look & review

It's monstrous in a good way

It’s monstrous in a good way

The Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual is releasing this Tuesday (September 30th), although game stores in a preferred network with Wizards of the Coast have been selling it as of September 19th. As with the the Player’s Handbook in August, in the interests of science I’ve plunked down my $49.95 plus tax to get an early copy for review purposes. I plan to do the same for the Dungeon Master’s Guide in December, so make sure to keep an eye out for that review as well.

For those of you that prefer to watch and listen to reading, check out this post’s companion YouTube video. Either way, you’ll find a summary and photo gallery following the video.

Weighing in at 352 pages and chock full of monsters, the Monster Manual is the second (of three) core rulebook for D&D. Out of the three, it could be argued that it is the “optional” rulebook but truly, anyone serious about playing the game really needs all three, especially if you are the Dungeon Master and not a player. Yes, Dungeon Masters are players as well, but you know what I mean.

As with the Player’s Handbook, the book looks great. The 5th Edition books are receiving almost universal praise for their design and artwork, and they deserve it. The Monster Manual exceeds the Player’s Handbook in this area, mainly due to the fact that there is a great piece of artwork on almost every page. Not including appendices, every monster entry gets its own artwork. If that amazing cover artwork with the adventurers fleeing a really ticked off beholder doesn’t impress you, you may be just really hard to impress but do yourself a favor and at least browse a copy at a bookstore to see the art and design going on here.

Aside from the artwork, what about the book itself? The first few pages contain information on how to use the book and also necessary rules explanations, some of which has of course changed from previous editions. The most notable of these in my mind is Challenge, which is a system that helps Dungeon Masters choose level appropriate monsters for their players’ encounters and also how much experience points to award.

After that it’s the monsters of course, hundreds of pages of cool creatures, descriptive text, excellent artwork and tons of little extras that give personality to the book and the monsters. Many of the monster entries include a little piece of paper (see the photo gallery below for examples) with scribbled notes from adventurers or even the monsters themselves. There are lots of little sketches and other extras as well.

The book wraps with appendices on Miscellaneous Creatures and Non Player Characters, which are several pages with short descriptions and stat blocks but not full entries. One thing that puzzled me is giant spiders make the Miscellaneous Creatures appendix but not an actual entry in the Monster Manual (while creatures like the stirge rate their own entry) . Since they are well known monsters in both gaming and literature, not sure what the criteria are but it’s a very minor quibble in an overall excellent, high quality product.

Regarding the cost, I feel there is $50 worth here, where I didn’t quite feel that with the Player’s Handbook. Perhaps it’s because I am getting used to the new price of D&D books, or perhaps the nature of the Monster Manual’s encyclopedic format with its hundreds of monsters helps me grasp the amount of work and effort involved.

The Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Monster Manual is highly recommended from me to you, whether you are a D&D player, a table top RPG player in general, or a fantasy enthusiast who just likes a book with cool monsters.

D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide release date delayed to December 9

Delays mean nothing to a lich, you fools!

Mike Mearls (Senior Manager, Dungeons & Dragons Research and Design) has updated the ravening masses via this week’s Legends & Lore column that the 5th Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide, orginally scheduled for November 19th, has been delayed:

“The new release date for the Dungeon Master’s Guide is December 9th. For those stores that take part in our early release program, the book goes on sale November 28th.”

The long of it is that extra editorial effort on the Player’s Handbook (already out as of August 19) and the Monster Manual (releasing September 30)  was accomplished at the expense of prep time for the DMG.

D&D Players Handbook 5th Edition

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Players Handbook first look / review

Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition Players Handbook CoverAlthough not officially releasing in general until August 19th, game stores in a network with Wizards of the Coast started selling the new Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook on August 8th. Shelling out the full retail price of $50 (ok, ok, $49.95 but lets not forget tax) I have dove headfirst into the 5th Edition to help contribute to the frenzy that is 5th edition anticipation.

First, don’t miss the companion YouTube video that I’ve created. You’ll find a summary and a photo gallery following the video.

My first and continuing impression of the Player’s Handbook is that this is as much a new edition in terms of what fantasy roleplaying is as it is a new set of technical rules. The team behind it hopes to condition players to think outside of traditional fantasy settings and gender roles in their characters and campaign settings. It’s basically saturated with artwork and text that tries to break the mold.

On many levels, this is a worthy endeavor. The question of whether they have gone too far (for example, by encouraging players to disregard traditional “binary” gender and traipsing into hotbutton social issues) I will leave to individual players. Opinions and passions will vary.

Setting-wise, for me, Dungeons & Dragons is a medieval fantasy setting that basically grew out of the original designers influence of Tolkien and similar literature. I am fine with this. The very name “Dungeons & Dragons” evokes a certain theme and setting. So I’m content to play in that kind of setting. Others, however, are not and if the modern designers want to give them a hand then more power to them.

The modern designers, however, are welcome to keep their female dwarves that have no beards. That’s a joke, son. Don’t get upset.

A summary of other things that I have noticed so far while perusing the new Player’s Handbook:

  • Very nice artwork
    There’s just no getting around it, top notch design and artwork all around. Kudos to the team and all artists involved. This is a great looking book.
  • Races
    (those in bold are not included in the Basic Rules)
    Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human, Dragonborn, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Tiefling
  • Classes
    (those in bold are not included in the Basic Rules)
    Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Two classes in particular caught my eye, the Warlock and the Paladin. The Warlock seems interesting due to the different sources of their power (not just infernal but also fey and… yes, you are reading this correctly, great old ones such as Cthulhu). The Paladin, while still on the side of good, is no longer restricted to just Lawful Good and a strict code of conduct but has three different Oath paths they may take. I have no problem with the strict alignment and conduct requirements of the traditional paladin but this new take has me pondering.
  • The Cost
    This is a $50 book. Assuming the forthcoming Monster Manual and Dungeon Master’s Guide will cost the same, a complete set of the core rulebooks for D&D 5th Edition will set you back $150 plus tax if you pay full retail. I suspect that the staggered release schedule is not only to give some breathing room editorially for the designers but also to help reduce sticker shock.
  • Combat
    The combat rules appear pared down, around 10 pages. I’ve read that 5th Edition is “rules light” compared to some other previous editions and this would be in keeping with that.
  • Saving Throws
    Saving throws now include all attributes including Charisma.
  • Feats
    Feats are now optional, and if you use them are optional. Being a personal fan of feats rules (not just in D&D but in other systems as well) this surprised me but I guess it contributes to a “rules light” goal. Keep in mind there is a full set of feats rules here, they are just optional and replace ability score improvements and certain levels.
  • Inspiration
    The new inspiration rule rewards role playing with the ability to improve dice rolls. Which leads to…
  • Advantage / Disadvantage The advantage / disadvantage mechanic looks to be an excellent rule to either improve or reduce dice rolls while at the same time being easy to use. Basically, certain actions, spells, etc. grant advantage or disadvantage. In which case you roll an extra d20… for advantage, take the better result, for disadvantage take the worse result.
  • Backgrounds
    Several backgrounds are now included and encouraged that come replete with personality traits, ideals, bonds and flaws. The sample backgrounds listed include Acolyte, Criminal, Entertainer, Hermit, Folk Hero, Noble, Sailor, Soldier and more. This is a great way to encourage role playing, and plays well with the inspiration rule mentioned above.
  • Trinkets
    This is one of those neat rules that don’t make or break a game but make it just that much more fun. When determining your character’s starting wealth and equipment, you also get to roll a d100 on the “Trinkets” table, a fun little table full of minor yet intriguing items. Such as… a scale from a large beast, a piece of obsidian that’s always warm, or an urn full of a hero’s ashes. Just a little more creative fuel for the fire.
  • Deities
    Deities from multiple D&D campaign settings and historical periods are included.

There are of course many other things to discuss regarding the new Player’s Handbook, paths to be explored and treasures to be discovered. I’ll leave you to adventure those paths on your own if you are so inclined. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy the photo gallery below.

D&D Basic Rules Logo

Dungeon Masters receive D&D Basic (free) Rules love

The Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules are updated, with the Player’s Rules going to version 2 and version 1 of the Dungeon Master’s Basic Rules.

As a reminder the Basic Rules are a free (PDF format), fully playable version of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition that Wizards of the Coast has promised to keep updating and adding to over time. So far they are keeping that promise.

The Dungeon Master’s portion of the Basic Rules is new as far as I know. Regarding the Player’s rules, here is the list of changes from v1:

  • Added acid splash and poison spray spells.
  • Added noble background.
  • Added appendix containing the Forgotten Realms deities.
  • Added appendix containing descriptions of the five factions that feature in the D&D Adventurers League.
  • Legal text added to the footer to allow reproduction for personal purposes.
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