A journey into the things we love: Podcast + blog! Get your geek on or discover your inner geek: games, video games, RPGs, comic books, movies, TV, books, oh so much more!
This episode: This episode: Wererats, plague rats, infernal rats and giant rats. Get the point? There’s rats. Plus we become honorary Dead Rats.
This a let’s play of the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends.
Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience. With a deep narrative developed by a team of long-time industry veterans and a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends brings the world of Faerûn home like never before.
Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 1/9/2016: Warhammer 40K & Frontline Gaming!
Highlights: Geek news; Frontline Gaming and Warhammer 40K.
Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at http://965fmtheanswer.com and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!
This episode: Effen’s boss continues to fail to acknowledge his amazingness and the trooper armor collection starts coming together. Plus the usual carnage.
This is a let’s play series of the Trooper story line in Star Wars The Old Republic.
Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is the only massively-multiplayer online game with a Free-to-Play option that puts you at the center of your own story-driven Star Wars™ saga. Play as a Jedi, a Sith, a Bounty Hunter or as one of many other Star Wars iconic roles and explore an age over three-thousand years before the classic films. Become the hero of your own Star Wars adventure as you choose your path down the Light or Dark side of the Force™.
This episode: The Hallowed Grove harvesters and save scumming extravaganza continues! At least we get to level up.
Join Shane as he plays through a hardcore computer RPG that has the mechanics and style of a 90s CRPG, and that’s just dripping with beautiful atmosphere!
Thanks for watching!
About Serpent in the Staglands:
A true role-playing adventure.
A campaign within the world of Vol, a fully realized setting inspired by the late bronze age in a Transylvanian landscape, with unique politics, races and gods steeped in history. Featuring a chosen party of five, you role-play Necholai, a minor god of a celestial body who descends to the Staglands for a moonlit festival only to find the way home blocked and immortality slipping away. Seeking answers and aid, you take on a mortal body and the guise of a traveling Spicer. This isn’t a story of good and evil, saving the world or being a hero, it’s about intrigue and your adventure of survival in a harsh land.
I’ve been collecting D&D / RPG / Fantasy related memes that tickled my fancy for a while, and thought I’d post them here for your edification and enjoyment oh my fellow geek.
If all goes well this will be the first in a series. What’s your favorite? Comment below!
Stay away from that crazy old wizard Kenobi.
I imagine this has been mimicked in a game session
Here be humours
Almost a dire comic
I call shotgun, er… crossbow?
Gone, baby, gone
Are you really going to argue with Batman?
Choose your idiot wisely, players…
The DM is your friend. No, really.
Now that’s a fantastic ride
Not to mention the snack breaks
That’s just how they roll
Even more detailed than Grey’s
Who’s a good boy?
Or money for dates. But, hey, priorities…
A little drivin’ music
New relationships are sometimes awkward
This is Vin Diesel’s birthday cake (no foolin’)
6: Man vs. Free Time
Oh, behave
They forgot medium well done
Who’s ready for pie?
Doggone good session
I can confirm, some of us DMs are bandits
It’s the purrfect attribute
Lawful Campbell
Things that make you go hmmmmm…
It was totally obvious in retrospect
And the first slack-jawed stunned silence followed by cheering from those watching
This is me, trying to pretend you’re not over the top
Rule #1: The DM is always right. Rule #2: Don’t play D&D with Grumpy Cat.
Us geeks can 🙂
And that’s a great one to end on… Make sure to leave a comment on your favorite (or maybe least favorite?) below!
This episode: It’s back into the sewers for more Dead Rat-erific questing. Hommet starts using animate dead and gets lightning bolt. General leveling up all around.
This a let’s play of the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends.
Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience. With a deep narrative developed by a team of long-time industry veterans and a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends brings the world of Faerûn home like never before.
Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 1/2/2016: Spoilerific Star Wars!
Highlights: Geek news; Shane rants about so-called hoverboards; Spoilerific Star Wars discussion (with a bonus rant).
Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at http://965fmtheanswer.com and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!
What the heck is up with these new so-called hoverboards? We’ve been bought off cheap people! The best thing about them is one knocked out Mike Tyson and some models spontaneously combust. http://www.cnet.com/how-to/buy-a-hoverboard/
Shane has already said he liked Star Wars: The Force Awakens but it’s been enough time and now it’s time to get spoilerific and dig in with a real discussion! Plus a bonus rant!
@ChrisAvellone: I keep wondering if the Sick Stick from KickAss should be paired with the Bowel Disruptor from Transmetropolitan
This episode: Shane loves the pulse charge ability plus a nice stroll with explosions through a refugee camp and the Talloran village.
This is a let’s play series of the Trooper story line in Star Wars The Old Republic.
Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is the only massively-multiplayer online game with a Free-to-Play option that puts you at the center of your own story-driven Star Wars™ saga. Play as a Jedi, a Sith, a Bounty Hunter or as one of many other Star Wars iconic roles and explore an age over three-thousand years before the classic films. Become the hero of your own Star Wars adventure as you choose your path down the Light or Dark side of the Force™.
What the heck is up with these new so-called hoverboards? We’ve been bought off cheap people! The best thing about them is one knocked out Mike Tyson and some models spontaneously combust. http://www.cnet.com/how-to/buy-a-hoverboard/
Shane has already said he liked Star Wars: The Force Awakens but it’s been enough time and now it’s time to get spoilerific and dig in with a real discussion!
@ChrisAvellone: I keep wondering if the Sick Stick from KickAss should be paired with the Bowel Disruptor from Transmetropolitan
This episode: More Hallowed Grove, more natives and a really frustrating room with a couple of harvesters.
Join Shane as he plays through a hardcore computer RPG that has the mechanics and style of a 90s CRPG, and that’s just dripping with beautiful atmosphere!
Thanks for watching!
About Serpent in the Staglands:
A true role-playing adventure.
A campaign within the world of Vol, a fully realized setting inspired by the late bronze age in a Transylvanian landscape, with unique politics, races and gods steeped in history. Featuring a chosen party of five, you role-play Necholai, a minor god of a celestial body who descends to the Staglands for a moonlit festival only to find the way home blocked and immortality slipping away. Seeking answers and aid, you take on a mortal body and the guise of a traveling Spicer. This isn’t a story of good and evil, saving the world or being a hero, it’s about intrigue and your adventure of survival in a harsh land.