Author Archives: Shane

Sword Coast Legends

Let’s Play Sword Coast Legends Story Mode #22

This episode: We begin Act 2 by completely ignoring the main story line and heading to the Vintner’s Keep. Oh yeah, Jarhild comes along.

This a let’s play of the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends.

Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience. With a deep narrative developed by a team of long-time industry veterans and a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends brings the world of Faerûn home like never before.

shane plays podcast title 3-26-2016

Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 43

shane plays podcast title 3-26-2016

Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 3/26/2016:
Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear!

Highlights: Phillip Daigle and Amber Scott of Beamdog, Inc. talk Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear!

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1 Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher
 (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.



Shane’s Spoiler Free, Knee Jerk Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Review

Brain Trust’s Batman V Superman reaction video

Batman V Superman Rotten Tomatoes


Phillip Daigle – Lead Designer

Amber Scott – Publishing and Marketing Coordinator

Beamdog, Inc.

Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear Presentation


The number of frames during which you can still execute a jump after running off a ledge.


Super Hero movies.


Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice Superman and Batman stare down

Batman V Superman Spoiler Free, Knee Jerk Review

Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice Superman and Batman stare down

I caught Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Thursday evening during the so-called advanced showings (what does that even mean if it’s been known it will open on Thursday night for a while, anyway?)  and here’s my spoiler free, knee jerk review:

Spoiler free because, well, there are no spoilers.

Knee jerk because it’s my initial thoughts within a couple of hours of seeing the movie for the first time, and without reading any other reviews to avoid biasing my own opinion and expectations.

Don’t want to watch the video review? Here’s a very quick summary:
*The video above has a lot more information and thoughts, not just the below summary points

Should you see it? Yeah of course, if you’re an action movie or super hero movie fan. There are several good scenes and of course some big action and it’s good to see the so-called DC trinity go into action on the big screen.

Otherwise, meh not so much. I don’t think it has the same general appeal for the average movie goer that the Marvel movies do.

It’s rough and uneven and almost two different movies pacing wise. The first half is uneven and ponderous, while the second half pulls together much better.

If any movie ever needed re-editing, it’s BvS.

Rotten Tomatoes currently has BvS at 29%. I wouldn’t go that low but it’s not as good as what Marvel’s putting out these days, that’s for sure.

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes Title

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes #6

This episode: Betrayal, madness and role play repercussions on the verge of Gracklstugh.

This is an ongoing series of Shane’s notes, thoughts and tips for running the D&D adventure Out of the Abyss, which is the tabletop portion of the Rage of Demons story line.

Each video follows the most recent session with his group.

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes Title

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes #5

This episode: Natural gas, ritualistic murders and wererats, oh my! Just another day’s work in the Underdark.

This is an ongoing series of Shane’s notes, thoughts and tips for running the D&D adventure Out of the Abyss, which is the tabletop portion of the Rage of Demons story line.

Each video follows the most recent session with his group.

shane plays podcast title 3-19-2016

Comic Books & The Wild Stars! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 42

shane plays podcast title 3-19-2016

Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 3/19/2016:
Comic Books & The Wild Stars!

Highlights: Geek news; Michael Tierney, comic book industry expert and creator / publisher of The Wild Stars.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1 Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher
 (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.



AlphaGo beats Lee Se-dol again to take Google DeepMind Challenge series | The Verge
DeepMind AI goes 3-0 up to seal historic victory

Star Trek New Voyages new episode: The Holiest Thing

Star Trek Beta Fleet: The New Unofficial Comic You Don’t Want To Miss

“Preacher” to premiere after “Fear the Walking Dead” midseason finale (May 22) | CBR

Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford announce a new Indiana Jones movie |

D&D comes to Middle-earth

Microsoft will allow Xbox gamers to play against PS4 and PC players | The Verge

Shane Plays Podcast Extra: Comics Legend Will Eisner (Randy Duncan, Part 1)


Michael Tierney, comic book industry expert and creator / publisher of The Wild Stars.

The Wild Stars comic book covers


One of my favorite adjectives is “jumentous”, meaning “of or pertaining to the smell of horse urine”


Phillip Daigle (Lead Designer) and Amber Scott (Publishing and Marketing Coordinator)  of Beamdog, Inc. talk about their upcoming Baldur’s Gate “interquel”: Baldur’s Gate: Seige of Dragonspear.



shane plays podcast extra title Randy Duncan talks Will Eisner

Comics Legend Will Eisner (Randy Duncan, Part 1) – Podcast Extra

shane plays podcast extra title Randy Duncan talks Will Eisner

Podcast Extra:
Comics Legend Will Eisner (Randy Duncan, Part 1)

This is a Shane Plays podcast extra, featuring content that was not recorded as part of the live Shane Plays radio show.

Highlights: Comics scholar, professor and author Randy Duncan discusses comic book legend Will Eisner and Will Eisner Week.

This is part 1 of a conversation with Randy Duncan.

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.


More about Randy Duncan:

The Power of Comics on Amazon:

Creating Comics as Journalism, Memoir and Nonfiction on Amazon:

Randy Duncan: Creating a class filled with costumes, iconic characters and CRASH!

shane plays podcast title 3-12-2016

The Case of Evil! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 41

shane plays podcast title 3-12-2016

Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 3/12/2016:
The Case of Evil!

Highlights: Geek news; Neal & Jana Hallford of Swords & Circuitry studios and their award-winning horror short film The Case of Evil.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Like what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.



Man demands ‘Magic’ cards in attempted robbery | Comic Book Resources

Captain America: Civil War – Trailer 2

Supergirl renewed for 2nd season | Polygon

Luke Cage premieres on Netflix September 30 and Daredevil returns March 18 | Polygon

CW renews The Flash, Arrow, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and iZombie | Newsarama

DC Comics’ SCALPED Will Be Adapted into a TV Series | GeekTyrant

The Tick Returning With Amazon Pilot Order |

D&D Curse of Strahd Review

Ravenloft setting now allowed in DMs Guild

The history of Dungeons and Dragons video games from youtuber 90sgamer92 (2 hour video)


Sword & Circuitry’s Neal & Jana Hallford and The Case of Evil.

For a limited time, Shane Plays listeners and followers can watch The Case of Evil 50% off using the promo code XCPCVPPHC!


The second room is unremarkable except that it is on fire


Michael Tierney, comic book industry expert and creator / publisher of The Wild Stars.

The Wild Stars comic book covers



Let’s Play Serpent in the Staglands #31

This episode: The thriving metropolis of Corem unfolds before our eager, exploring eyes. Vendors are a’plenty. Shipping guilds are rude. Everyone seems to want to climb aboard our train.

Join Shane as he plays through a hardcore computer RPG that has the mechanics and style of a 90s CRPG, and that’s just dripping with beautiful atmosphere!

Thanks for watching!

About Serpent in the Staglands:

A true role-playing adventure.

A campaign within the world of Vol, a fully realized setting inspired by the late bronze age in a Transylvanian landscape, with unique politics, races and gods steeped in history. Featuring a chosen party of five, you role-play Necholai, a minor god of a celestial body who descends to the Staglands for a moonlit festival only to find the way home blocked and immortality slipping away. Seeking answers and aid, you take on a mortal body and the guise of a traveling Spicer. This isn’t a story of good and evil, saving the world or being a hero, it’s about intrigue and your adventure of survival in a harsh land.

Buy on GOG:

Buy on Steam:

Star Wars The Old Republic Trooper

Let’s Play Star Wars The Old Republic Trooper #7

This episode: We get cut out of a crucial clutch cargo mission and then get thrown right back in, aggressively cleanse some corruption in the Republic, save a damsel in distress, almost (almost!) take out a tough bad guy (oh sooo close), and draw ever closer to wrapping up the Ord Mantell portion of the Trooper storyline.

This is a let’s play series of the Trooper story line in Star Wars The Old Republic.

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is the only massively-multiplayer online game with a Free-to-Play option that puts you at the center of your own story-driven Star Wars™ saga. Play as a Jedi, a Sith, a Bounty Hunter or as one of many other Star Wars iconic roles and explore an age over three-thousand years before the classic films. Become the hero of your own Star Wars adventure as you choose your path down the Light or Dark side of the Force™.