Author Archives: Shane

Vampire with fangs in shadow

DMs Guild Review: Vampire Lord Abner (Challenge 11 Boss)

Vampire with fangs in shadowMarketer and game designer Jay Holden (@_jayholden, was kind enough to provide me a copy of his Vampire Lord Abner (Challenge 11 Boss) encounter, which is available in the DMs Guild, for review purposes.

I say encounter because that’s what it is: an encounter, not an adventure. Specifically, it’s a “climactic encounter for character levels 8 to 11”. In other words, it’s a higher level boss fight.

There’s brief amount of regional information included that hints at the author’s larger world building, but in reality this a villainous NPC fight that can be dropped into any campaign and then the respective DM can flesh out the hows and whys. It could be as simple as “you see a crumbling palace on the horizon, would you like to investigate?” to a full on campaign with Abner as an ultimate or penultimate challenge. Given the fact that he is in fact a vampire lord it lends itself to a Gothic horror setting, but of course does not need to be restricted to that.

The encounter itself is well laid out and no pushover in that it’s presented in three phases as Abner changes style and tactics during the fight. He’s nasty to begin with (you know, being a vampire lord and all) and having him change up twice as the fight progresses should keep the players challenged and a bit off balance. One of the phases involves assistance from a magically animated flying greatsword that he seems to have a reluctant history with.

There are some notes on Abner’s personal code of ethics and how to run him in the fight, but oddly no guidance on when to shift from one phase to the next. It seems to be left to the DM to determine. Since the effort was given to layout out the phases, I would have preferred some guidelines on how / when to use them.

What’s included in the product itself is one page of notes on Abner and a bit of backstory and three pages of stats on Abner (one per phase).

The notes on Abner also include, strangely enough, a paragraph or two on what should happen once Abner is defeated. This references places we don’t know about as well as a final confrontation with someone (or something) named Uri that probably should have been removed from the DMs Guild version of this encounter because everything else is designed to just drop this encounter into an adventure of your own. [Update: Jay Holden contacted me with this note on Twitter: “I wanted to mention that I did take out the vague references to the rest of Shah’or Shemesh/Uri.”]

The document is well laid out and edited well and the overall presentation is professional. There is no artwork.

Interestingly enough there is an Extended Reading: Vampire Lord Abner page on the author’s website that I found equally as interesting as the encounter itself and in some ways even more so.

It’s a nice behind the scenes look at how Holden designed the encounter and also gives more dimension to Abner and the world he inhabits. It’s a great tour through the design process and personally I would have included this in the actual encounter product on the DMs Guild to add value to the overall product.

Which brings me to my final thoughts. At $2 is it worth the price?

The answer to this question applies not just to this product, but to the DMs Guild overall. When you allow people to sell their products for whatever price they desire, including for free or to let consumers name their own price, how do you say if any one product at a set price is a good value?

Searching the DMs Guild for products priced $0-$2, and even refining the search by the word “encounter” there are pages and pages of adventures and reference materials available. If I can get a full adventure for pay what you want, or a single encounter for pay what you want or $1 or what have you, then is this particular encounter (no matter how well designed) for $2 worth it… how do I make a value decision?

So I will push that question aside and approach it from the perspective that I am perusing the shelves at my friendly local game store and I come across Vampire Lord Abner (Challenge 11 Boss) amid all my other choices. I pick it up and flip through it and ponder the quality and whether I can use it in my games.

To be honest, at $2 it’s probably not a sell. It’s a good encounter, but at the same time it’s basically an NPC with expanded notes on how he fights.

Again, what has made it more compelling to me is the designer’s notes on developing Vampire Lord Abner and the encounter. If there was a section included in the DMs Guild version along those lines I think it would add more value. My review copy is a few months old so it’s possible that has been added, yet the copy I have doesn’t even include a link to the design notes on his site.

Again, that’s not to say this is a bad encounter to use in your games. It’s pretty cool actually, it doesn’t suck… if you’ll pardon the pun. I’m attempting to be balanced on the price point compared to other products that are available to me.

I think that Jay Holden has some RPG game design chops and I hope to see more from him in the future. I would love a series of products like this that include design notes. He’s quite good at explaining his thought process.

Collectors and Capers review

Collectors and Capers Review

collectors and capers heist cards stackTrevor Harron from Blue Heron Entertainment reached out to me several weeks back and asked me if I would be interested in reviewing a prototype of his upcoming game, Collectors and Capers. I said yes (natch, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this review) and while it took me a bit longer than I intended to play the game and then sit down to put this together maybe the timing works out better in the end as the Kickstarter for the game is now in full swing.

Watch video review below.

Collectors and Capers is a card game with two main mechanics at its core: set collecting and bluffing. The set collecting is obvious from the beginning and the bluffing portion becomes more obvious as you play.

collectors and capers display

The flavor layer baked on top of the rules involves competing collectors (the players) in a museum heist. Each collector accomplishes as many heists of priceless treasures (from both the museum and other players) as possible and bluffs when necessary when they don’t actually have the resources for a heist. Other collectors can challenge a heist to see if it’s legit or a bluff.

The treasures themselves are a bit tongue in cheek, with such fabled items as the Crystal Femur, the Priceless Painting and the Digital Guide being up for grabs.

collectors and capers treasures

The game design is solid and fun if not always unique, and to be honest I personally don’t think every game has to rip a hole in the space time continuum with amazing new game play that only the love child of Reed Richards and Doctor Doom could have conceived of. If it’s fun to play, it’s fun to play. Collectors and Capers has a nice pace and is fairly easy to pick up within a few minutes and the gameplay plus the flavor should have a wider appeal beyond just the hardcore board game set.

collectors and capers ancient statue set

My Ancient Statue (cough ku thoo loo cough) set… gotta catch em all!

Where Collectors and Capers ups the bar is with its art deco design and “backstory” where you’re  imagining yourself as a 1920s art collector attempting to not only pull off a museum heist but also outwit other collectors who want the treasures just as badly as you do. And as mentioned above there’s a bit of tongue in cheek thrown in, but not to the point were the game is farcical.

collectors and capers actions

Take action with… the Action Cards

There’s also some nice touches such as symbols on cards that should be removed if you only have 3-4 players which makes setup quicker and more pain free, and numbers on the corners of the game box that help you count down the final three rounds of each turn (said rounds kicking off once all treasures have been stolen from the Museum).

And speaking of the number of players, that leads me into what I feel are potential areas for improvement in the game.

The group size for my test play of Collectors and Capers was three, which is the minimum size (it supports 3-6 players). I have a strong suspicion that the game gets more engaging as more players are added. At the minimum of three, challenging a bluff is practically a no-brainer and very easy to do because it requires the cooperation of other players. The more players you have, the harder it is to get consensus to challenge a bluff.

collectors and capers gameplay

In addition, as with any game the smaller amount of players the easier it is to try to keep up with what you think other players have and what you suspect their strategies are.

This really feels like a game that flows best with 5 or 6 players.

Also, it’s feasible to play the game without bluffing and still potentially win but honestly it wouldn’t be as fun. I’d like to see Blue Heron find a way to make a tweak to the rules that makes bluffing more obvious as part of the strategic game play. As it is you really don’t understand how important it is until the first time you start counting up points (a successful bluff gives more points). It’s not a show stopper, just a druther.

At $15 to get a copy via the Kickstarter it’s a bit of a steal (ha ha see what I did there) and evidently full retail will be $20. For a freshman entry into the gaming scene, I think Blue Herron has done a rather good job with Collectors and Capers and I’m not bluffing when I say that.

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes Title

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes #21

This episode: Shane answers another DM question. The players finally encounter the Kuo-toa of Sloobludop, but it’s not the sanctuary that Shushar had promised.

5e SRD:

This is an ongoing series of Shane’s notes, thoughts and tips for running the D&D adventure Out of the Abyss, which is the tabletop portion of the Rage of Demons story line.

Each video follows the most recent session with his group.

Shane Plays podcast title 7-16-2016

Pokemon Go News & Turbine Games! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 59

Shane Plays podcast title 7-16-2016

Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 7/16/2016:
Pokemon Go News & Turbine Games!

Highlights: Pokemon Go news; Turbine Games MMORPGs The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online with Johnny Wood and Jerry Snook.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

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Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1 Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

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Listen Here via Embed:


New Troll Lord Games Kickstarter!
The Hallowed Oracle: Troll Lord Games has partnered with Shane Moore of Abyss Walker fame to bring you even more Castles & Crusades! An all new adventure series, complete with new classes, spells and monsters!


The Pokémon Go news edition.

Pokemon Go down: Hacking group claims responsibility for bringing down game’s servers ‘with DDOS attack’ | The Independent

Nintendo Stock Up 25% Thanks to Pokémon Go |

Teens used Pokémon Go app to lure robbery victims, police say | USA Today

I got caught cheating through Pokémon Go | New York Post

Holocaust Museum to visitors: Please stop catching Pokémon here | Washington Post

Westboro Baptist Church Uses Jigglypuff to Fire Back at Pokémon Go |

Pokémon Go: man quits job to become full-time Pokémon hunter | The Guardian


turbine games logo

Johnny Wood (software engineer) and Jerry Snook (community representative) join us to talk about Turbine Game’s MMORPGs.

Turbine Games

dungeons and dragons online logo

Dungeons & Dragons Online

the lord of the rings online logo

The Lord of the Rings Online


project small access logo

Jonathan Lane and David Heagney Jr. of Project Small Access.

Project Small Access is a group putting the pressure on CBS to revise their fan film guidelines.

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes Title

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes #20

This episode: Shane’s notes on DMing, how he prepares and what materials he uses, etc. The Darklake regions unfolds as we encounter the sights and dangers on the way to Sloobludop. Where did that damsel in distress come from?!

Dave’s Table Topping content:

This is an ongoing series of Shane’s notes, thoughts and tips for running the D&D adventure Out of the Abyss, which is the tabletop portion of the Rage of Demons story line.

Each video follows the most recent session with his group.

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes Title

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes #19

This episode: The battle on the Gracklstugh docks goes pear shaped. Dwarves in armor aren’t the best swimmers. Insects bite. What is that looming shadow? Will the boat ever cast off?!

This is an ongoing series of Shane’s notes, thoughts and tips for running the D&D adventure Out of the Abyss, which is the tabletop portion of the Rage of Demons story line.

Each video follows the most recent session with his group.

bludgeons and krakens

Let’s Play Bludgeons & Krakens – free old school RPG

Bludgeons & Krakens is described by dev Cannibal Cat Games as a “turn-based action RPG; it draws heavily from the tradition of classic CRPGs like Ultima, but blends it with the simple, loot-centric gameplay of Diablo.” (see RPG Codex thread for more:

It’s free (and you can also donate):

Welcome to Abraxas! Unfortunately, you’ve arrived at just about the worst time imaginable. As a novice sellsword just looking for a job, you signed up with a mercenary company only to sell yourself into a land plagued by war, blight, a demonic invasion, and perhaps things even worse. I hope they pay you overtime.

-Play Your Way. Build your character from one of five classes–Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, or Druid–and customize him or her as you wish. Master weapon skills and magic abilities, upgrade your attributes, and empower yourself with mythic loot.

-Explore a Strange World. Unearth ancient secrets in every corner of Abraxas. Meet the curious denizens of the land, many of whom will seek your help. Or simply wander the land in search of your fortune.

-Fight for Survival (and Loot). Take on hordes of foes in turn-based combat. Sling spells, quaff potions, rend your enemies, and loot the bodies. When your skills are honed, seek out powerful bosses who will truly challenge your abilities.

Shane Plays podcast title 7-9-2016

V&V Strides Forward With Monkey House Games! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 58

Shane Plays podcast title 7-9-2016

Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from7/9/2016:
V&V Strides Forward With Monkey House Games!

Highlights: Geek news. A real life Batman in Moscow? Villains & Vigilantes legal update and product line news with Jeff Dee and Jack Herman of Monkey House Games.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1 Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Direct Download:
Listen Here via Embed:


New Troll Lord Games Kickstarter!
The Hallowed Oracle: Troll Lord Games has partnered with Shane Moore of Abyss Walker fame to bring you even more Castles & Crusades! An all new adventure series, complete with new classes, spells and monsters!


Wyoming teen playing new Pokemon game on phone discovers body | KTVQ

Real Life Russian Batman Cleaning Up Moscow | Krypton Radio

BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE Trailer – Redrawn Graphic Novel Style
BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE Trailer Redrawn – Comparison

Valiant Has More Harvey Awards Nominations Than Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, Boom And IDW Put Together | Bleeding Cool

Congratulations to the 2016 ENNIE AWARD NOMINEES! | EN World
Public voting will be from July 11th through to July 21st.!#.V3wYIjkrLo-

YouTuber Meets Pope, Gives Him A Copy Of Undertale


An update from from Monkey House Games regarding Villains & Vigilantes.

Villains & Vigilantes 2.1 Cover

Monkey House Games:

Villains & Vigilantes on Facebook:

Villains & Vigilantes Twitter: @OfficialVandV

Villains & Vigilantes on Wikipedia:


turbine games logo

Johnny Wood (software engineer) joins us to talk about Turbine’s MMORPGs.

Turbine Games

dungeons and dragons online logo

Dungeons & Dragons Online

the lord of the rings online logo

The Lord of the Rings Online