This episode: More notes on running Chapter 1 Prisoners of the Drow and the dramatic escape attempt unfolds. Tips on allowing a player to play a blind character.
Link to the NPC stats PDF (very helfpul!):
This is an ongoing series of Shane’s notes, thoughts and tips for running the D&D adventure Out of the Abyss, which is the tabletop portion of the Rage of Demons story line.
Each video follows the most recent session with his group.
I’m thinking of DMing for the first time. Any tips (short term/long term) for someone who wants to start DMing using this campaign?
This is probably a more challenging than average adventure for a first-time DM. However, you can totally do it… just make sure to be really familiar (i.e. read and really study the relevant chapters) ahead of time for any parts you will be playing in a given session.
Also, it gets fairly open-ended after the first chapter so make sure to plan how far you want each session to go story-wise and try to stick to that so the players don’t end up somewhere you are not prepared for at all.
If you do end up in uncharted territory, don’t panic… just wing it and have fun 🙂 The players will never know unless you tell them.
Also, use that link I mentioned for all the NPCs in the first chapter, the fellow prisoners and make a handout for the players. It helps a lot… that’s a lot of NPCs to keep up with.