Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #267 – 5/12/2023
Chris Holmes has a unique historical perspective on fiction writer John Eric Holmes and Holmes Basic D&D, given that he’s JEH’s son. Chris is doing cool stuff in his own right, including his fantasy art and a day job where he gets to introduce kids to D&D. Chris’s posthumous RPG project with his father called Things Better Left Alone. How much did JEH make for creating the first D&D Basic edition? Chris and Shane have different approaches to playing with alignment. What is Chris’s favorite D&D edition (it’s a trick answer). Edgar Rice Burroughs. Send in the Pinkertons! Tarzan’s super power. Weresharks. Ask Cthulhu. Zombie movies, Rob Zombie, Dragula, and Sherlock Holmes.
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John Eric Holmes on Wikipedia
Chris Holmes Website:
Things Better Left Alone module from Pacesetter Games based on J. Eric Holmes map from Holmes Basic D&D
-Chris Holmes contributes art, which Bill Barsh calls “Holmesian”

Lobsterilla by Chris Holmes for The Phylactery zine
Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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I demand another ShanePlays and JEH Comedy hour!!!
It’s the best entertainment on the podwaves today!! 😀