My 8-year-old son is soloing Valheim, and did a great job taking down Eikthyr (the first boss) on his first try. He had all leather armor on (pants, tunic, and helmet), had eaten three different types of food first, and used a crude bow with fire errors.

DDO Light Gravity Glitch – Dungeons & Dragons Online
A temporary Light Gravity glitch lets a player jump to places that are normally inaccessible in Sharn's Clifftop Tower District in DDO Dungeons & Dragons Online.

Let’s Play Space Wreck Demo
Shane takes a look at the demo of Space Wreck, an intentionally short hardcore roleplaying game. P.S. Cambots suck.
Game description from Pahris Entertainment SIA: A passenger shuttle is damaged after a pirate attack and you must find replacement parts on a nearby derelict space ship. -- Intentionally short hardcore role playing game that borrows as ...

Let’s Play Geneforge 1 – Mutagen Demo
Shane checks the first part of the demo of Geneforge 1 – Mutagen, a unique, truly open-ended fantasy adventure in a strange, new world. You are one of the Shapers, wizards with the awesome power to create life. Want a tool, a trap, an army? You summon it into existence. You create mighty beasts, and ...

Let’s Play Sword Coast Legends Story Mode #51
The Underdark unfolds (barely) as we continue flailing around the Forlorn Cliffs with a terrible sense of direction but make progress working out the main puzzle to continue. Illydia and Hommet level up. We put the beat down on Drow cultists and assassins and various evil beasties.
This a let's play of the single-player campaign ...

Graywalkers: Purgatory RPG Early Access Gameplay
Graywalkers: Purgatory turn-based strategy RPG first look gameplay in Early Access. This video covers the quick missions mode as well as the "Preludes" mode (short campaigns based around a single character in the game). The Preludes section of the video ...

SKALD Retro CRPG – UPDATED Demo Gameplay
The final demo for retro CRPG Skald: Against the Black Priory (Alpha 2.0.3) with new features, a major overhaul of the user interface / user experience, and improved visuals. Finding the sewers the "right" way. Rats, bats, and spiders. Creepy ...

SKALD Against the Black Priory Alpha Demo Gameplay
SKALD: Against the Black Priory is an upcoming dark fantasy turn-based RPG, featuring modern design combined with a classic 8-bit look and feel. It’s set in a dark and gritty fantasy universe, full of tragic heroes, violent deaths and eldritch ...

Solasta: Crown of the Magister 5th Edition CRPG Pre-Alpha Gameplay #2 – Three Combats
Second (and final) part of the Solasta demo. Three combats with orcs, spiders and even bigger spiders.
Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an in-development turn-based tactical CRPG from Tactical Adventures based on the ...

Solasta: Crown of the Magister Pre-Alpha #1
Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an in-development turn-based tactical CRPG from Tactical Adventures based on the D&D Fifth Edition rules via the Open Gaming License. This is not the D&D IP and lore, but an implementation of the 5E ...