Author Archives: Shane

Let’s Play Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall 6 – Alice SOX It To Us

In part six we play TRON — I mean talk to Alice the information broker and rack up a huge bill with her, discuss the SOX, and line up our next Shadowrun.

Note: This part is completely combat free and is all about moving the story forward. Just letting you know in case you like a little combat in your lets play videos.

Thanks for watching!

Shadowrun Returns is a CRPG based on the tabletop Shadowrun RPG first introduced in 1989. Shadowrun Returns was funded via Kickstarter and is available for PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets.

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

*Dragonfall is not out for iOS at this time but will be soon according to developer. Base game available

Google Play:
*Dragonfall not available on Google Play yet, base game available

Subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel! You know you want to!

Let’s Play Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall 5 – Movie Night

In part five we (I ain’t lying here) track down a DVD player for the Shadowrun version of family movie night, spend some karma points, visit the cyberdoc, hook up with what is may be the Flux State Mafia, and get a ton more story details regarding both the main mission and the team members.

Note: This part is completely combat free and is all about moving the story forward. Just letting you know in case you like a little combat in your lets play videos.

Thanks for watching!

Shadowrun Returns is a CRPG based on the tabletop Shadowrun RPG first introduced in 1989. Shadowrun Returns was funded via Kickstarter and is available for PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets.

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

*Dragonfall is not out for iOS at this time but will be soon according to developer. Base game available

Google Play:
*Dragonfall not available on Google Play yet, base game available

Subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel! You know you want to!

Let’s Play Magic 2014 – Part 8: Girundar / Chant of the Mul Daya

This is part eight of a Let’s Play series of Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers in campaign mode. In this part we continue the Zendikar portion by facing off against the shaman Girundar and his Chant of the Mul Daya deck. I don’t mind saying this was one hard deck to beat.

Thanks for watching!

Buy Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers from…


iTunes (iPad app):

Subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel

Let’s Play Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall 4 – The Boiler House

In part four we storm a gangster-run hotel (Das Kesselhaus, “The Boiler House”) looking for the enigmatic Green Winters, meet and recruit Blitz the decker, and get a few more combats under the team’s belt along the way. I have to admit I was itching for some turn-based Shadowrun Returns combat goodness after the previous two combat-free parts of this Let’s Play.

Thanks for watching!

Shadowrun Returns is a CRPG based on the tabletop Shadowrun RPG first introduced in 1989. Shadowrun Returns was funded via Kickstarter and is available for PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets.

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

*Dragonfall is not out for iOS at this time but will be soon according to developer. Base game available

Google Play:
*Dragonfall not available on Google Play yet, base game available

Subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel! You know you want to!

Let’s Play Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall 3 – The Kreuzbasar

In part three we explore the neighborhood our team operates out of (called the Kreuzbasar), order some gourmet coffee, spy on a troubling conversation regarding the dearly departed Monika, and track down more information on the hot lead regarding the shadowrun gone bad.

Note: As with part two, this part is almost all dialogue. Hopefully we’ve got some juicy combat coming up soon.

Thanks for watching!

Shadowrun Returns is a CRPG based on the tabletop Shadowrun RPG first introduced in 1989. Shadowrun Returns was funded via Kickstarter and is available for PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets.

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

*Dragonfall is not out for iOS at this time but will be soon according to developer. Base game available

Google Play:
*Dragonfall not available on Google Play yet, base game available

Subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel! You know you want to!

Let’s Play Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall 2 – HQ, Paul, and Dante

In part two we familiarize ourselves with the team’s HQ, meet our fixer Paul, our dog Dante, spend karma, get a lot more exposition and learn more about the team members before heading out to track down a hot lead.

Note: this part is almost all dialogue.

Thanks for watching!

Shadowrun Returns is a CRPG based on the tabletop Shadowrun RPG first introduced in 1989. Shadowrun Returns was funded via Kickstarter and is available for PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets.

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

*Dragonfall is not out for iOS at this time but will be soon according to developer. Base game available

Google Play:
*Dragonfall not available on Google Play yet, base game available

Subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel! You know you want to!

Let’s Play Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall – Part 1

Welcome the the Flux-State, chummers! Shane dives in to Dragonfall, the first official expansion / DLC for the excellent Shadowrun Returns RPG. This is part one, in which a straightforward shadowrun goes terribly wrong. We should all know by now that “straightforward” and “shadowrun” should never be used in the same sentence unless you’re joking.

Quick Luke, my human street samurai, isn’t laughing.

Thanks for watching!

Shadowrun Returns is a CRPG based on the tabletop Shadowrun RPG first introduced in 1989. Shadowrun Returns was funded via Kickstarter and is available for PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets.

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

Base Game:
Dragonfall DLC:

*Dragonfall is not out for iOS at this time but will be soon according to developer. Base game available

Google Play:
*Dragonfall not available on Google Play yet, base game available

Subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel! You know you want to!

My initial descent into Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Descent_JITD_BoxThis weekend I grabbed my thief’s character sheet, chose skills, spent gold on weapons and equipment, grabbed some funny dice and bravely ventured forth with a party of fellow adventurers (a minotaur, an undead warrior and an insane mage) to stop an evil villain from plunging the world into darkness, with plenty of dungeons and side quests along the way. Oh yeah, there were plenty of snacks, too.

No, I wasn’t playing Dungeons and Dragons or another fantasy role playing game (RPG). I was playing a board game called Descent: Journeys in the Dark from Fantasy Flight Games. Although nowhere near as open-ended / sandboxy  as a tabletop RPG would be, it was still pretty darn complex and captured the party dynamics and dungeon crawl experience very, very well. Like, really well.

The game can be played as a one time session, or as a campaign of multiple sessions where your characters receive experience and you can upgrade them along the way.

We are attempting the latter, and I imagine it will take many, many sessions to finish the campaign. This time around we played close to six hours and managed to get the exposition and one (yes, one) dungeon out of the way. Keep in mind the dungeon was a spontaneous decision while on the way to accomplish our first side quest. The side quest still awaits. Something about a baby griffon.

I’m not complaining, mind you. It felt remarkably close to an RPG gaming session and that’s one of my favorite things with the right group. So here’s hoping for more.

If this doesn't get you excited, just stop reading and move along

Descent dice. If this doesn’t get you excited, just stop reading and move along.

Another point worth mentioning is that in many cases in RPGs the Dungeon Master (or Game Master, depending on what game you are playing) is working cooperatively with the players to tell a good story and make sure everyone has a good time.

With Descent, one player is the Overlord and their goal is to beat you into a pulp and suck the marrow from your bones. The players get points for certain things. The Overlord gets points for certain things (for example, your character card has a number on it in the bottom left corner… this is how many points you are worth each time he or she kills you). The Overlord can definitely win the game under certain circumstances. The Overlord, in other words, is out to get you. And the Overlord has many tools to do so…


In Descent, the Dungeon Master — I mean Overlord is OUT TO GET YOU

A final point worth mentioning is the dungeon maps and miniatures add a lot to the game and added even more to that great RPG feel. Let me say again this is a board game and not an RPG, but man it feels close.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark and its expansions are now on their Second Edition. We are playing the first edition just in case you are curious.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark official page at Fantasy Flight Games

Descent in the Dark: A fan built tactical compendium to Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Full, 50 episode Might & Magic X Legacy Let’s Play from Marbozir


Marbozir (my favorite YouTube “Let’s Player”) just wrapped a full 50 episode “let’s play” (a gameplay walkthrough video captured while playing, if you are not familiar with the term) of the new Might & Magic X Legacy.

Let’s Play videos are great for me personally because I don’t always have time to play the games I want to but I can leave a let’s play video playing on my desktop while I work and still get some of that gamer “hit” I would get from playing the game itself.

They are also great for learning how to play a game. Marbozir has taught me a lot about how to play Civilization V. One of things I like about Marbozir’s style is he provides running commentary that includes his reasoning on taking the actions he is taking.

Might & Magic X Legacy itself looks like a really fun game. Not groundbreaking, and not every game has to be to be fun, but instead a good, solid fantasy RPG romp that is a combination of previous Might & Magic games and Legend of Grimrock’s style of play. That being said, M&M X Legacy has a wide variety of above ground and underground locales, while Grimrock is basically a dark dungeon crawl.

I have to say I also really like the effect of the different damage type numbers (images of a variety of colors and styles) that splash off on a successful hit. Sometimes you get a skittles of damage information flying off of a creature you knock upside the head. Lovely.

Damage as art. Well played, M&M X Legacy.

Damage as art. Well played, M&M X Legacy.

Hopefully I’ll find the time one day to play this myself.

You can find Marbozir on YouTube.

You can find Might & Magic X Legacy on Steam at a reasonable $24.99.

And don’t forget to subscribe to the Shane Plays YouTube Channel!



Kickstarter reports data breach, says don’t freak out but change password


Just received an email from Kickstarter saying they had a data breach but no vital information was accessed, your credit card is safe and no unauthorized activity was detected on your account, etc.

Still, they are asking us to change our passwords just in case.

They are also, as they say “Incredibly sorry that this happened.”

From the Kickstarter Blog:

On Wednesday night, law enforcement officials contacted Kickstarter and alerted us that hackers had sought and gained unauthorized access to some of our customers’ data. Upon learning this, we immediately closed the security breach and began strengthening security measures throughout the Kickstarter system.

No credit card data of any kind was accessed by hackers. There is no evidence of unauthorized activity of any kind on all but two Kickstarter user accounts.

While no credit card data was accessed, some information about our customers was…

Read the full post on their blog.