Author Archives: Shane

shane plays podcast title 5-7-2016

No Thank You, Evil! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 49

shane plays podcast title 5-7-2016

Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 5/7/2016:
No Thank You, Evil!

Highlights: Geek news; Shanna Germain of Monte Cook Games talks No Thank You Evil!, the creative, imaginative RPG for kids as young as 5 but fun for all ages.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1 Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Direct Download:
Listen Here via Embed:


GIVEAWAY! Like and Share the following Facebook post (ON FACEBOOK) for a chance to win a Castles & Crusades Players Handbook from show sponsor Troll Lord Games!

Like and share this FB post ON FACEBOOK to enter!

Castles & Crusades C&C Players Handbook giveaway

AND Castles & Crusades has a cool new Kickstarter!
Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde


Today (May 7) is Free Comic Book Day!

Admins of shut down World of Warcraft server say they will meet with Blizzard | Polygon

It’s like peanut butter and chocolate! D&D meets Magic: The Gathering in Plane Shift: Zendikar D&D 5E free PDF supplement

Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time fantasy novels to be adapted for new TV series | Blastr

Nintendo is foregoing a digital event at E3 2016 | PixelDynamo

Nintendo NX coming March 2017: Nintendo President claims launching NX next year is “proper” | PixelDynamo

New Star Trek Series To Stream Weekly, Debut in January 2017 |

Report: CBS Considering Dropping SUPERGIRL Over Budget Issues | Newsarama


no thank you evil box

Shanna Germain of Monte Cook Games and No Thank You, Evil!, the creative, imaginative RPG for kids as young as 5 but fun for all ages.

Monte Cook Games:

No Thank You, Evil!:

Shanna Germain on Twitter:

Captain America Spoiler Free Reaction Review youtube thumbnail

Captain America: Civil War Reaction Review – Spoiler Free!

What did Shane think of Captain America: Civil War??? Is it a dud or a major milestone in comic book movies? Is Shane Team Cap or Team Iron Man?

Check out this reaction review video for some spoiler free views on both the quality of the film and the philosophy involved!

Also: was it a Captain America movie or an Avengers movie?

free comic book day crowd at kapow comics

Free Comic Book Day Crowd

I decided to use this year’s Free Comic Book Day to check out a local comic book store I had heard of several times but never actually visited. I stepped through the doors of Kapow! Comics in Sherwood, AR to this rather enthusiastic scene.

And yes, that’s a full size Silver Surfer in the corner 🙂

In case you’re wondering, yes I did visit my normal friendly local comic book store (Collector’s Edition in North Little Rock) which was rather busy itself, and yes I picked up my reserve list and supported them. As a regular, the rawkin’ employee working the counter had made sure I got a copy of the FCBD Civil War II comic from Marvel. You won’t get that from digital… support your local comic book store!

Star Wars The Old Republic Trooper

Let’s Play Star Wars The Old Republic Trooper #9

This episode: We finish the Separatist stronghold on Ord Mantell and get betrayed by our own. On the plus side we get a sweet grenade that makes big boom boom with flames, which is nice.

This is a let’s play series of the Trooper story line in Star Wars The Old Republic.

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is the only massively-multiplayer online game with a Free-to-Play option that puts you at the center of your own story-driven Star Wars™ saga. Play as a Jedi, a Sith, a Bounty Hunter or as one of many other Star Wars iconic roles and explore an age over three-thousand years before the classic films. Become the hero of your own Star Wars adventure as you choose your path down the Light or Dark side of the Force™.

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes Title

D&D Out of the Abyss Notes #11

This episode: The Whorlstone Tunnels continue. Shane discusses rules lawyers, spotlight hoggers and alignment, plus are Duergar OP? Bonus: Haikus (Senryu) celebrating the adventure.

Gracklstugh Help Sheets by PurpleVermont:

Gracklstugh Encounter Map by Robus:

This is an ongoing series of Shane’s notes, thoughts and tips for running the D&D adventure Out of the Abyss, which is the tabletop portion of the Rage of Demons story line.

Each video follows the most recent session with his group.

shane plays podcast title 4-30-2016

Geek News Extravaganza! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 48

shane plays podcast title 4-30-2016

Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 4/30/2016:
Geek News Extravaganza!

Highlights: Geek News Extravaganza with Cody Waits, Stephen Chenault of Troll Lord Games and comedian Michael Brown of Brain Trust.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1 Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Direct Download:
Listen Here via Embed:


GIVEAWAY! Like and Share the following Facebook post (ON FACEBOOK) for a chance to win a Castles & Crusades Players Handbook from show sponsor Troll Lord Games!

Like and share this FB post ON FACEBOOK to enter!

Castles & Crusades C&C Players Handbook giveaway

AND Castles & Crusades has a cool new Kickstarter!
Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde


Star Trek Continues indiegogo campaign shoutout (for patreon supporter Gaaron Gilham)

Today (April 30th) is International Tabletop Day!

Next Saturday (May 7) is Free Comic Book Day!

Federation Falling? CBS brings a halt to crowdfunding of the Star Trek Horizon sequel – Does this signal the end of fan films? |

Doctor Who Reveals Peter Capaldi’s New Companion: Pearl Mackie as “Bill” | IGN

What the Hell Is DC Comics’ Rebirth, Anyway? | io9

WotC Being Sued By Magic: the Gathering Judges | EN World

Fantasy Grounds Usage Stats Are In – 5E, Pathfinder, 3.5, Savage Worlds, then Star Wars! | En World

D&D 5E Up 4% In Latest Orr Group Industry Report | EN World

‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Renewed for Season 3 on AMC

Batman V Superman Inspired Marvel To Make Captain America: Civil War | Screenrant

Box Office: ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Nabs Heroic $38.7M In Two Days | Forbes

‘The Flash’ movie loses director Seth Grahame-Smith |


no thank you evil box

Shanna Germain of Monte Cook Games and No Thank You, Evil!, the creative, imaginative RPG for kids as young as 5 but fun for all ages.

Monte Cook Games:

No Thank You, Evil!:

Shanna Germain on Twitter:



Let’s Play Serpent in the Staglands #33

This episode: Ista Cale Consil proves to be either kind of disappointing or else part of a larger quest in the game. What’s up with those watchtowers / lighthouses?

Join Shane as he plays through a hardcore computer RPG that has the mechanics and style of a 90s CRPG, and that’s just dripping with beautiful atmosphere!

Thanks for watching!

About Serpent in the Staglands:

A true role-playing adventure.

A campaign within the world of Vol, a fully realized setting inspired by the late bronze age in a Transylvanian landscape, with unique politics, races and gods steeped in history. Featuring a chosen party of five, you role-play Necholai, a minor god of a celestial body who descends to the Staglands for a moonlit festival only to find the way home blocked and immortality slipping away. Seeking answers and aid, you take on a mortal body and the guise of a traveling Spicer. This isn’t a story of good and evil, saving the world or being a hero, it’s about intrigue and your adventure of survival in a harsh land.

Buy on GOG:

Buy on Steam:

shane plays podcast title 4-23-2016

Torment: Tides of Numenera with inXile! – Radio Show / Podcast Ep. 47

shane plays podcast title 4-23-2016

Podcast for the Shane Plays radio show from 4/23/2016:
Torment: Tides of Numenera with inXile!

Highlights: George Ziets and Colin McComb of inXile Entertainment talk their Torment: Tides of Numenera computer RPG.

Shane Plays airs on Saturdays at 1:05 PM Central on 96.5 FM The Answer in Little Rock. It can also be heard online at and on the Tune In Radio app and iHeart Radio apps. Call in at 501-823-0965 or tweet @ShanePlays during the show!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on iTunes and Stitcher (and other fine podcast directories) after the live show.

patreon logo in fieldLike what you hear?
Support Shane Plays Radio on Patreon!

KryptonRadio1 Shane Plays is carried on Krypton Radio!
Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.

Direct Download:
Listen Here via Embed:


GIVEAWAY! Like and Share the following Facebook post (ON FACEBOOK) for a chance to win a Castles & Crusades Players Handbook from show sponsor Troll Lord Games!

Like and share this FB post ON FACEBOOK to enter!

Castles & Crusades C&C Players Handbook giveaway


No news segment this week.


torment tides of numenera

Colin McComb and George Ziets of inXile Entertainment talk their Torment: Tides of Numenera computer RPG.

inXile Entertainment:

Torment: Tides of Numenera

George Ziets on Twitter:

Colin McComb on Twitter:


I hate when boxing announcers say a boxer is “down for the count.” I don’t care that he loves Dracula I just want to know who’s winning.

Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonspear title

Let’s Play Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear #7

This episode: More party recruitment and we simultaneously stop a heist while “borrowing” a lot of stuff from Sorcerous Sundries. It looks like our only option for a cleric at this point is the evil gnome Tiax.

From developer Beamdog‘s marketing copy:

A major new expansion to Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition adds areas, action, and adventure to the original!

“Fate leads him who follows it, and drags him who resist.” -Plutarch

Though Sarevok is dead and his plan for war averted, peace eludes the citizens of Baldur’s Gate. A crusade marches from the north, seizing supplies, forcing locals into military service, and disrupting trade along the Sword Coast. A charismatic warrior known as the Shining Lady leads this army, her background shrouded in mystery. Can the rumors be true—is she, like you, the child of a god?

The closer you get to the Shining Lady, the more you realize your father, the dead Lord of Murder still casts a long shadow upon your path. Baldur’s Gate has put its faith in you, but you must determine whose interests you truly serve before you face the Shining Lady among the ruins of Dragonspear Castle…

Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear adds a new chapter to the Bhaalspawn saga. The events occurring between Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II are at last revealed in this 25-hour expansion pack for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition.