Author Archives: Shane

OSRIC & The OSR with Allan T. Grohe Jr. - Episode 264- 11/30/2022 shane plays podcast title 11-30-2022

OSRIC & The OSR with Allan T. Grohe Jr. – Episode 264- 11/30/2022

OSRIC & The OSR with Allan T. Grohe Jr. - Episode 264- 11/30/2022 shane plays podcast title 11-30-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #264 – 11/30/2022

RPG developer and publisher Allan T. Grohe Jr. (aka “grodog”) joins to talk AD&D retroclone OSRIC, the OSR, Black Blade Publishing, John Eric Holmes, and RPG goodness in general. Allan LOVES him some Greyhawk. The skills he learned tracking down early information on Greyhawk helped lead to his main non-RPG career. How active is the current AD&D 1E and/or OSRIC scene? What is Allan’s definition of OSR, and does he feel it’s important? The legal importance of OSRIC to the OSR community. ‘zines are often lauded, but at one time Dragon magazine was a sort of “D&D website” in its day as well. Watching an RPG project happen behind the scenes. Shane offers a mild defense of rules lawyers. “Vanilla” fantasy is not a derogatory term. Cthulhu and Delta Green. Look, just hit Cthulhu with a boat. Shane has figured out Lovecraft’s indescribable color. Thunderdome match: Strongheart versus Warduke.

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OSRIC: First Edition Fantasy Roleplaying Game

Black Blade Publishing


From Kuroth’s Quill – grodog’s AD&D blog

Allan at Greyhawk Online

D&D Retroclones List

Single Volume Edition of OD&D by Greyharp

Fight On! Magazine

Knockspell Magazine

Allan gave me permission to share this biographical information he sent me before we recorded:

Allan T. Grohe Jr. aka “grodog”
Bio & Career Highlights

Quick gaming bio:

Allan T. Grohe Jr. has been playing AD&D and other RPGs since 1977. Allan’s first professional gaming publication (“More for the Shadow Master”) appeared in White Wolf Magazine #11 in 1988; he has also contributed to The Unspeakable Oath, Pyramid, Polyhedron, and Dragon Magazine, among others. Allan has worked extensively with Biohazard Games (Blue Planet, Upwind), Pagan Publishing (Delta Green), Different Worlds Publications (Tadashi Ehara), and Pied Piper Publishing (Robert J. Kuntz). Allan co-founded Black Blade Publishing with Jon Hershberger in 2009 to publish top-quality old-school gaming products, including OSRIC, Monsters of Myth, and Kuntz’ The Original Bottle City. Allan’s most-recent projects are Tales of Peril: The Complete Boinger and Zereth Stories of John Eric Holmes; The Twisting Stair, a gaming newsletter focused on dungeon design that Allan publishes with Tony Rosten; and Saving Throw, an OSRIC zine to support the family of Usherwood Publishing’s Jim Kramer (now sadly lost to brain cancer).

Allan’s editorial, design, and development work has contributed to winning one Origins Award and securing four Origins Award nominations, winning one ENnie Award and two ENnie Award nominations.

Allan is known online as grodog, where he publishes a website featuring World of Greyhawk content, as well as his non-gaming writing (poetry, personal essays, and literary scholarship), and the usual fan ephemera at He lives in Wichita, Kansas, with his lovely wife Heather, their two wonderful sons Ethan and Henry, and their two cats Muffin and Felix.

Gaming/Life Highlights

  • 1969: born 😀
  • 1977: first play D&D via Holmes Basic set @ 7 years old
  • 1980: attend first game convention @ Origins 1980 @ Widener University; first time I met Gary, playtesting Gangbusters (although this could have been at GenCon East II in 1982, as well)
  • 1984: played Treasure of the Dragon Queen at Northeaster #2, perhaps the single best D&D tournament I’ve ever played; graduated from Merchantville Elementary School
  • 1987: graduated from Bishop Eustace high school, started Penn State thinking I would go into Architecture; attended DragonCon #1 to meet Michael Moorcock and also met Rob Kuntz!; member of the winning team for the RPGA “(To) The City of Brass” tourney, written by Rob; played lots of AD&D at PSU, also introduced to Call of Cthulhu, Paranoia, etc.; Gary signs my DMG at Origins in Baltimore
  • 1988: first professional D&D publication in White Wolf Magazine #11, “More for the Shadow Master” (based on an article published in WW#8 the year before)
  • 1991: graduated Penn State with BA in English, Minor in Myth & Folklore; moved to KS for grad school @ KU; began playtesting for CoC for Pagan Publishing and writing reviews in The Unspeakable Oath, and later Pyramid, Polyhedron, and Dragon
  • 1993: began playtesting, designing, and freelancing with Biohazard Games
  • 1996: co-founded Event Horizon Publishing; graduated from KU with MA in English (creative writing); began working for Sprint in KC; Pagan’s Delta Green book nominated for and wins Origins Award for Best RPG Supplement; first page published to my web site, the Dreaming City
  • 1997: EHP publishes The Triad Sourcebook, my only writing contribution to the Hong Kong Action Theatre! RPG line; Biohazard publishes Blue Planet at GenCon, nominated for an Origins award the following year; I win the Langston Hughes Award for Excellence in Prose for my creative essay “Betwixt & Between” and am a Poetry Award Finalist in the same year
  • 1998: I think this is when I first joined Greytalk, since it was definitely while I was still working at Sprint
  • 1999: met Heather Schunk Grohe, fell in love, the rest is history! 😀 EHP publishes the Heaven & Earth RPG book, to which I contributed writing, design, editing, and poetry; turned down job at Wizards of the Coast
  • 2000: moved to CA to work for Juniper Networks in San Jose
  • 2001: married Heather; first web page published for grodog’s Greyhawk; co-found the Canonfire! fan site for the World of Greyhawk; start working with Rob Kuntz on Pied Piper publishing projects
  • 2002: two Greyhawk articles on artifacts published in Dragon, co-written with Erik Mona; I conduct a long interview with Rob Kuntz published in Oerth Journal #14 too
  • 2003: start working with Tadashi Ehara of Chaosium/Different Worlds on publishing projects
  • 2004: Ethan born in CA; Tadashi publishes two books by Ryan Smalley and one by Rob Kuntz for GenCon
  • 2005: move back to KS to be closer to Heather’s family, continue working for Juniper remotely from home
  • 2006: I begin to redesign and expand upon my Castle Greyhawk dungeon levels, which currently total somewhere around 60 or so
  • 2007: complete work on editing and developing OSRIC v1.0 with the rest of the core design team; Pied Piper publishes The Original Bottle City level of Castle Greyhawk, which I co-DM with Rob at GenCon (the last year I attend; also meet Dave Arneson there)
  • 2008: attended Lake Geneva Gaming Convention #3, the last time I meet Gary in person; attended GaryCon #0 (am I am en-route back from the funeral when Henry is born), and all subsequent ones (other than #1 in 2009, since Henry was just 1 year old); editor for Swords & Wizardry 1st edition (uncredited), Tomb of the Iron God
  • 2009: co-founded Black Blade Publishing with Jon Hershberger; my “From Kuroth’s Quill” column begins in Knockspell magazine #1; BBP publishes an AD&D conversion of Goodman Games’ DCC#9 Secret of the Smuggler’s Cove module at the first North Texas RPG Convention
  • 2010: BBP becomes publisher for Matt Finch’s Swords & Wizardry OD&D clone
  • 2012: BBP publishes the deluxe, expanded 2nd printing of OSRIC AD&D clone
  • 2013: BBP reprints RJK1 Cairn of the Skeleton King and RJK2 Tower of Blood; organize seminar panel on Castle Greyhawk with Paul Stormberg and Jeffrey P. Talanian at GaryCon V; “The Iounic Loop – Reimagining the Ring of Gaxx” published in AFS#4 (which will reappear in my “Iounic Caverns” level of Castle Greyhawk when that’s published), along with my “The Nooks & Crannies Level” mega-dungeon level map
  • 2014: BBP publishes the expanded edition of RJK’s Bottle City; “Naladamar– also known as the Black Sword, Nightbringer, the Dead Sword, and the Vampire Blade” published in AFS #5, my tribute to Moorcock’s Stormbringer
  • 2016: RJK’s El Raja Key Archive published by Paul Stormberg’s TLB Games (I helped with files, scanning)
  • 2017: BBPpublishes Tales of Peril: the Complete Boinger & Zereth Stories of John Eric Holmes (edited by me); I launch my From Kuroth’s Quill blog
  • 2018: co-found The Twisting Stair, a mega-dungeon design zine, with Tony Rosten, where I continue my FKQ column from KS; complete work on The Hyqueous Vaults, a free module celebrating the 10th anniversary of OSRIC (it was a year late 😉 )
  • 2019: led seminar panel on “Celebrating Greyhawk: a Fandom Renaissance” at GaryCon XI, and contributed 4800 words and editing to Oerth Journal #28, the first printed edition of the zine; edit and assist with development of Guy Fullerton’s F4 The Withered Crag adventure; designed new spell, two NPC parties, treasure map, and co-designed adventure with Guy Fullerton for Saving Throw, a new OSRIC zine to support Usherwood Publishing’s Jim Kramer (and his family, Jim is now gone)

Down in the weeds:

Here are a few links about me, my work, etc.:

– grodog’s Song of Seven – The Mythic Worlds Builders, at Multiverse

– grodog’s start in gaming – 1977: Cedar Avenue, Star Wars, and Holmes

– grodog’s OSR questionnaire responses:

– grodog’s favorite gaming publications:

– grodog’s Ring of 5 Greyhawk mini-interview with Mike Bridges

You can also check out my RPGgeek entry

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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The Valley Out Of Time & Skeeter Green Productions - Episode 263 - 10/19/2022 shane plays podcast title 10-19-2022

The Valley Out Of Time & Skeeter Green Productions – Episode 263 – 10/19/2022

The Valley Out Of Time & Skeeter Green Productions - Episode 263 - 10/19/2022 shane plays podcast title 10-19-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #263 – 10/19/2022

Skeeter Green joins to talk RPGs, Skeeter Green Productions, the Independent Publishers Union of small RPG publishers, and his new Kickstarter. The Valley Out of Time is a series of ‘zine-sized RPG adventures borrowing heavily from classic dinosaur art, books, and movies (think Frazetta and Harryhausen). Tips and advice for small RPG publishers from Skeeter’s seminar series with Zach Glazar. The chances of making a living working in the RPG industry full-time. Defining success. RPG authors versus developers versus editors versus designers. The correct way to pronounce “bulette” according to Tim Kask. The secret origin of the name Skeeter. Favorite sitcoms of the past. Rob Zombie’s movies. NASA probing asteroids.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories).

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Kickstarter: The Valley Out of Time for S&W DCC MCC Part 5&6 FINAL! from Skeeter Green Productions

Skeeter Green Productions

Skeeter Green Productions on DriveThruRPG

Independent Publishers Union

A NASA Spacecraft Is About to Collide With an Asteroid. Watch Live Here | Science Alert

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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Reaper's Dungeon Dwellers RPG with Joseph Wolf - Episode 262 - 9/24/2022 shane plays podcast title 9-24-2022

Reaper’s Dungeon Dwellers RPG with Joseph Wolf – Episode 262 – 9/24/2022

Reaper's Dungeon Dwellers RPG with Joseph Wolf - Episode 262 - 9/24/2022 shane plays podcast title 9-24-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #262 – 9/24/2022

Joseph Wolf of Reaper Miniatures talks Dungeon Dwellers, Reaper’s old-school style RPG using modern design. Also: some ReaperCon chat. Joseph has some interesting RPG design highlights, including Forgotten Realms, Deadlands, and Blood of Heroes. Love it or hate it, 5E is very successful at what it does. Which Dungeon Dwellers came first, the minis or the RPG? “Tolkien Orcs” versus “Warhammer Orcs.” Super quick hot takes on Rings of Power. Shane freely admits to and doesn’t apologize for being RPG system promiscuous. Innovation in RPG design is groovy, but you don’t have to innovate just to be cool.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories).

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Dungeon Dwellers RPG


Reaper Miniatures

Joseph C. Wolf | RPG Designer | RPGGeek

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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Champions RPG with George MacDonald - Episode 261 - 9/9/2022 shane plays podcast title 9-9-2022

Champions RPG with George MacDonald – Episode 261 – 9/9/2022

Champions RPG with George MacDonald - Episode 261 - 9/9/2022 shane plays podcast title 9-9-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #261 – 9/9/2022

Champions RPG co-creator (and HERO Games co-founder) George MacDonald with guest co-host Michael Stewart (Victorious RPG creator; Save For Half and The Crusader podcasts co-host). The origins of Champions from the why, to the playtesting to the launch and beyond. Was the initial reception to Champions disappointing or encouraging? George came out of wargaming and his RPG mechanics reflects that. Did early players prefer to play licensed characters or their own superheroes? Crunchy versus streamlined game mechanics. Estimating the damage between wet and dry avalanches. Why did George decide to do superheroes for his first RPG game genre? The difference in adventure structure between RPG genres (fantasy, cyberpunk, superheroes). Some of the business thinking behind printing a game and creating a company (two different things!). Game distributors dangled the carrot a lot back in the day. The great Hero Games Box Shuffle of the Early Eighties. A speed round of Champions questions for George from Facebook. The pros and cons of wearing a cape. Foxbat’s secret identity REVEALED! What term in sci-fi RPGs has always bugged Shane? A little bit of chat about George’s time in computer games including Pool of Radiance.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories).

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George MacDonald (game designer)

Save For Half Podcast Episode 17: Champions 1st Edition

Matt Chat 490: George MacDonald

World of Supers RPGs Facebook Group

I tried to recreate a comic book using DALL-E and Alan Moore’s script

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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Terrain-Tronics: DIY Gaming Terrain Electronics - Episode 260 - 8/15/2022 shane plays podcast title 8-15-2022

Terrain-Tronics: DIY RPG Gaming Terrain Electronics – Episode 260 – 8/15/2022

Terrain-Tronics: DIY Gaming Terrain Electronics - Episode 260 - 8/15/2022 shane plays podcast title 8-15-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #260 – 8/15/2022

Dafydd Roche of Terrain-Tronics doesn’t just want to make cool terrain, he’s helping DMs and GMs bring delight to their players with easy DIY gaming terrain electronics for D&D and other RPGs. Game terrain as part of the storytelling. Theatrical D&D. The no-solder wire wrapping technique is good enough for NASA! Pretty soldering jobs versus ugly soldering jobs. Smart ways to compete with big business as a small business. Shane does his usual thing of getting into the business reality behind the creativity. Terrain-Tronics products are open source. Do horses really go to the glue factory? What chain of events had to happen for many of the inventions and innovations in human history? A minor tangent into casinos, pit bosses, and getting comped.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories).

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Terrain-Tronics website

Terrain-Tronics on YouTube

Terrain-Tronics on Facebook

“Endor Tree Platform” Lighted Forest Camp Diorama Tutorial – bringing electronics to your build!

Recommended Starter Project – Conwy Castle – Simple 4ch LED Driver

Tabletop Witchcraft Youtube Channel
*Uses Terrain-Tronics electronics

Nat1 Videos: How to build a BALINS TOMB – BOOK NOOK

Adobe Medium – VR 3D Modeling Software

terrain-tronics lava flow and minis

terrain-tronics ewok village and fire pit

terrain-tronics lava flow and minis wider view

terrain-tronics cottage and chamber

terrain-tronics vendor table at north texas rpg con 2022

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition
Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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Grindhouse Cinema With Levi Combs of Planet X Games - Episode 259 - 7/18/2022 shane plays podcast title 7-18-2022

Grindhouse Cinema with Levi Combs of Planet X Games – Episode 259 – 7/18/2022

Grindhouse Cinema With Levi Combs of Planet X Games - Episode 259 - 7/18/2022 shane plays podcast title 7-18-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #259 – 7/18/2022

Grindhouse Cinema with RPG publisher and cinephile Levi Combs. What is Grindhouse, and why is it called that? The market forces that led to the rise of Grindhouse theaters. Gritty movies, violent movies, Foreign movies, exploitation movies, Kung fu movies, BRUCEsploitation movies, more! New York City as a character in movies. Sho’nuff, The Shogun of Harlem can chew scenery on a level with Darth Vader. What’s Levi’s favorite fight scene in any movie, period? Is the first Friday the 13th movie a Grindhouse movie? Plus: The RPG adventures and ‘zines of Planet X Games… hear the call of the Skeleton of the Black Lake and behold the Big Eye Chungus!

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories).

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Grindhouse definition from Merriam-Webster:
an often shabby movie theater having continuous showings especially of pornographic or violent films.

Grindhouse on Wikipedia:
According to historian David Church, this theater type was named after the “grind policy”, a film-programming strategy dating back to the early 1920s which continuously showed films at cut-rate ticket prices that typically rose over the course of each day.

Grindhouse on Wiktionary:
Perhaps from the grinding or cranking motion employed by early projectionists.
Perhaps from bump and grind (dubious). The term may originally have been used for burlesque houses in the 1940s.

Planet X Games
& The Phylactery ‘zine

The 20 Best Grindhouse Movies Ranked | SlashFilm

Grindhouse Data Base Top 20

Book Recommendation
These Fists Break Bricks: How Kung Fu Movies Swept America and Changed the World

Troll 2 on Tubi

Best Worst Movie (Documentary about Troll 2) on Tubi

Shane’s list of Grindhouse favorites:
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Death Race 2000
Gator Bait
Honorable Mention:
Zombie (for the zombie vs shark fight!)

Levi’s Favorite Grindhouse Movies:
Evil Dead 2
Troll 2
Samurai Cop
Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition

Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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Mongoose and Meerkat with Author Jim Breyfogle - Episode 258 - 6/17/2022 shane plays podcast title 6-17-2022

Mongoose & Meerkat With Author Jim Breyfogle – Episode 258 – 6/17/2022

Mongoose and Meerkat with Author Jim Breyfogle - Episode 258 - 6/17/2022 shane plays podcast title 6-17-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #258 – 6/17/2022

Thrilling fantasy stories of the swashbuckling duo Mongoose and Meerkat with author Jim Breyfogle. Adventure fiction as opposed to “pulp” fiction (and what exactly does “pulp” mean, anyway). Who is Jim’s number one favorite writer from the past? Shane’s dirty little secret when it comes to Robert E. Howard’s fiction. Robert A. Heinlein was both amazing AND sketchy. Fair Witnesses are cool. The Odyssey Writing Workshop. Some love for CIRSOVA magazine and its publisher P. Alexander.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories).

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Kickstarter for Tales of the Mongoose and Meerkat Vol 2: The Heat of the Chase

Tales of the Mongoose and Meerkat, Vol 1: Pursuit Without Asking

Jim Breyfogle’s Website

CIRSOVA Magazine

Odyssey Writing Workshops

Appendix N Book Club Podcast

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition

Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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jaq journey adventure quest board game shane plays podcast title 5-27-2022

JAQ Journey Adventure Quest – Episode 257 – 5/27/2022

jaq journey adventure quest board game shane plays podcast title 5-27-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #257 – 5/27/2022

JAQ: Journey Adventure Quest is the new drafting board game with resource management, cool mechanics, challenging monsters, fun lore, and multiple paths to victory. Jesse Stacy, Tommy Noel and Brandon Beam from Triceratops Games join Shane to talk all about it (and demonstrate some actual play)! Also: Why the name Triceratops, wait until you hear about the artist, shout-outs to favorite board games, reminiscing on the early days of Magic: The Gathering, and of course more.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories).

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Journey Adventure Quest Kickstarter

Triceratops Games

JAQ at Board Game Geek

Board game shout-outs:
Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War
Mystic Vale
Fantastic Factories
Lords of Waterdeep
Star Trek Expeditions
Ticket to Ride
Small World
Lost Cities (2 player)
Jaipur (2 player)

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition

Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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comics artist brian shearer shane plays podcast title 5-12-2022

Comics Artist Brian Shearer – Episode 256 – 5/12/2022

comics artist brian shearer shane plays podcast title 5-12-2022
Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #256 – 5/12/2022

Comics artist (and self-described art hobo) Brian Shearer has worked on such high-profile properties as Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Doctor Who as well as his own creations Gunship Thunderpunch and William the Last. How did Brian become a professional artist? Tips for creators to build an audience online. What’s the line you have to cross on a late crowdfunding project fulfillment before Shane gets annoyed? Working on G.I. Joe pages while with your wife in the delivery room. SDCC and many other big cons aren’t for comics creators and fans anymore. Transformers toy history, and Bob Budiansky and Jim Shooter’s vital contributions to Transformers lore. Some Classic Who and New Who discussion. Favorite entertainment properties from the 80s. Shane was NOT down with the Ghostbusters cartoon that had an ape. 80s anime and those sweet, sweet Star Blazers twisty laser cannons. Catching episodes of Dragon Ball and Ranma 1/2 in Japanese and trying to make sense of it. What’s that certain unique something that Cowboy Bebop has? Favorite breakfast cereals, cereal toys of yore, and Saturday morning cartoons.

Listen to the Shane Plays podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Music, Podbean and Stitcher (plus other fine podcast directories).

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Brian Shearer’s website

Gunship Thunderpunch Indiegogo On Demand Link

Brian’s YouTube Channel

William the Last

Bob Budiansky at the Transformers Wiki

50 Greatest Cereal Box Prizes

Dungeons and Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games 2nd Edition

Shane’s book! Co-authored with Matt Barton of Matt Chat
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SCIFIRADIO-banner-200 pixels wideShane Plays is carried on SciFi.Radio!
SciFi.Radio is SciFi for your Wifi.