Oooooooooh yeaaahhhh, more geek memes so fascinatingly terrible you’ll want to share them with your friends after your doctor says you’re ready for discharge!
Make sure to check out all the other posts in the Shane Plays memes series.

Gives you a kaiju sized headache

That lizard’s always had his head in the clouds, I tell ya

That’s a huge vocabulary

You would says it’s nuts if you hadn’t seen it yourself

That NPC is dogmeat

I guess you could say it’s definitely a relationship

Whoever came up with this deserves to be paddled

There’s always a smart butt

Okay make that two smart butts

Ironically, the trick to staying alive at this point is DON’T BEAT DEATH

It’s hard to pull one over on Gandalf (and he knows where all the power ups are, too!)

(and Zelda is just using you, kid)

Look below…

… for the kid who played all that Pac-Man!

I wonder if the idea will stick?

Tobey has the feat of the best Pete

So THAT’s how we got JJ Trek

Don’t let it bug you

Oh look it’s Elrond he’s eating some nice lettu– GREAT GALLOPING GAZELLES!!!

This could drive you batty

Bats is a super jerk

This scene finally makes sense

Credit: Enkel Dika

Cool mint flavor (won’t disintegrate)

That’s it, another amazing(ly awful) round of geek memes finished! Don’t ignore that itching, burning sensation and the nausea… we advise you to schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately. Tell them you wandered into a wild patch of Shane Plays. After they gasp, they’ll get you fixed right up. (If you made it in time, that is…)