I’ve been posting a semi-regular series called Attack of the D&D / RPG Memes (find ’em here) and it has proven very popular so I thought I would expand the concept with an Attack of the Geek Memes post. I often find a lot of memes that tickly my geeky funny bone that don’t quite fit into the D&D / RPG category but we’re not going to let them go to waste, are we? Oh no, my precious, we won’t!
So strap in, hold on, and find someone else to sue for any psychological damage that you may incur. Lots of Star Trek and Star Wars with this one, but some other geeky goodness, too 🙂

Don’t even try to pretend you didn’t try it…

Facebook ain’t fooled by no glasses

You’re a bunch of sheeple!

Sad mecha is sad

Heat up to stay cool

Plus the bartender always serves really good Timey Wimeys

I always loved to catch these when I was a kid

I swear by your pretty floral bonnet this made me laugh

“It was… pun”

The dread pirate Picard

“The Captain’s so smart, he’s always three steps ahead of the enemy. Let’s stick close to him and we’ll be fine.”

Boldly believing where no one has believed before

Let’s be honest, that’s one fine specimen of a button. You were just looking at it, weren’t you?!

That’s what a mind trick feels like

And you don’t even need a navicomputer (or a wookiee)

Unsee it, you never will

He’s the fun parent

Imperial Walker

And not all are equal

I hear he killed at Millionaire
Aaaaand that’s all this time around, folks! Thanks for memeing with Shane Plays airlines.