Ensuring the Internet doesn’t organize into something overly useful and inspiring, Attack of the D&D / RPG Memes returns in a spectacular display of pointless carnage.
If for some inexplicable reason you want to endure even more, you can check out all of the previous Attack of the D&D / RPG Memes posts for the full mental trauma.
Let’s dive in, shall we?

Classic D&D Monster: Dumpster Dough-vourer
It will slowly eat your face off while emitting delicious aromas

I can testify

It’s in their genes

Honestly, it’s one of the best parts of the game. The flip side is the vexing “fixate on the meaningless NPC” phenomenon

Perspective is so important for player satisfaction


But do you file or floss?

When it absolutely, positively, has to make it on time but collateral damage is acceptable

“Wait, there’s a table for this…”

Grandma got run over by a skill check

It’s okay, wipe away those palantirs

Add that to the list of alarming DM phrases

Aslan is the ultimate grognard

At 8th level Barbarians also get Shine: Make an opponent squint and give them disadvantage until your next turn

Never, EVER give the DM ideas!

Disclaimer from D&D 5E Dungeon Masters Guide. Basically, everything you need to know 🙂

This kind of crap right here, this!, is why I love tabletop RPGs so much.

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You studied my guide. Prepare to succeed.

“So, uh, hey, how about that game last night!”

Maybe “dwarf tossing” is a euphemism for cookie tossing?

Tell reality to bite it! Travel into the Gamma World of Dungeons & Dragons!

Unfortunately, so did your D20

I’m the nerd saying you can’t crit a fireball before my brain finishes processing what’s funny

Shenanigans is a feat all RPG players are instantly expert in the moment they first sit at the table (I wouldn’t have it any other way)
And that’s all the shenanigans we have this time, party peoples. Thanks for visiting and remember we’re not responsible for your psychiatry bills.
What? You want MORE? Check out all of the previous Attack of the D&D / RPG Memes posts.