Just when you thought it was safe to look at the Internet again (ok, it’s never actually safe to look at the Internet) it’s Attack of the D&D / RPG Memes! Yes, that amazing, joy filled and brain damaging stroll through the garden of dubious delights that is RPG humor at it’s best worst!
You might as well call off your attack lawyer seeking damages for mental cruelty, because I’ll just make them check out all of the previous Attack of the D&D / RPG Memes posts as well and then both of you will be drooling and playing with your yogurt.
Press the Big Red Button and let’s get these memes flowing…

Every group has a Dave

I mean, really people… how ironic is that?

Developers can’t close EVERY loophole in the code after all

We all kind of knew this would happen when Dave asked…

Time for another round! Ha, get it? Round? (sorrynotsorry)

Ooooh, esoteric “random number generators” for nerds of the 80s. And yes, young’n, that’s a crayon… ya had to do it yourself back then.

Oooooh, esoteric coveralls for nerds of the 80s! Actually, his friends super glued him to the wall for being such a dork.

I guess I’m not sharp enough to get it… (From Dungeon magazine February 22, 1979)

EVERY DM/GM has been there…

What a novel concept

I thought it was a donut but got accused of circular reasoning

And furryous about it

I’m including this one just for the halibut

Mine just tells jokes at my expense

This actually happened in my (Shane’s) group

And it jiggled. Oh, it jiggled…

Nice kid, but never seemed to be eating from a full plate

Old School AD&D… kills PCs dead
Aaaaand that’s it for this round… thanks for stopping by!