One thing I noticed immediately with the Solo trailer is that there’s a lot of sweet cockpit and tech shots to gaze upon (Millennium Falcon and otherwise) that not only respect decades of established Star Wars Empire-era design, but also show us even more “tech elements” of a galaxy far, far away we’ve not seen to date.
Here’s some screencaps I grabbed from both the teaser trailer and the Super Bowl spot. I hope you enjoy letting your eyes hungrily rove among them as much as I did putting this post together.
Before we really get started, I’m throwing this shot in as well in case you haven’t realized yet that in the Solo movie timeframe, the Falcon’s mandibles are covered by what I have heard termed a “shroud” of some kind:

Bite that tentacle, Han! I *can’t*, her mandibles haven’t grown in yet!
Speeder Cockpit
Non-Falcon Starship Interiors

Did you think this might be Maz at first? I was wondering, but… nope
Various Tech

Is that Berzerk on the monitor to the left??

Wonder if that mouth piece is translating? Or maybe transmitting to the mic so the performer has more freedom of movement. Notice the symbol on the mouthpiece and the jar to the left are the same
Millennium Falcon

So… clean and bright. Do Star Wars starships age horribly in the rigors of space, or are Han and Chewie just typical bachelors?

I LOVE this stuff

Those yellow headrests don’t make it to A New Hope timeframe
Lightspeed, baby!
Here’s a photo gallery version, if you’d rather drool over everything that way.