Release the crackalackin memes, baby! So bad they’re good, and recommended by your therapist to keep him in business.
If you like this kind of thing (what, are you a masochist?), make sure to check out all the other posts in the Shane Plays memes series.

A good idea never goes out of style

The truth will set you free, but the truth also hurts…

Sorry to make you butt heads with this pun

When you need to add horsepower to your bike

You’re reading a caption about a bunch of captions just FYI

The Goomba of Doom-ba

That turtle Voight-can’t get up

Or even worse, end up in a Mary Sue fan fiction

… and speaking of fandoms

Wrong Scarecrow, Bats

Admit it, we’ve all had dates like this

New companions always tend to paws for a moment

Still too soon?

Yes, that really just happened

Ooooh, burn. Well, actually there’s no burn… because nothing got hit.

They don’t even need bombs in their heads…

Star Trek by Jamie Hernandez 1994

He’s a great listener

I guess we’ll have to wait and … discover how this makes sense when the new show airs 🙂
That’s it, another round finished! Make sure to beam in your memes from only the best sources like Shane Plays! Well, okay we’re not the best but we’re certainly one of the rest!